Well Luggi, i see your point but this is the way it goes here. Don't expect any constructive criticism here in the announcement forum, if you are looking for that better try the opinion forum, people there at least try to say something helpful - sometimes

And i don't think that pointing out that stock effects are usually looked down on is a mean of trying to hurt someone, or trying to be forum trolls - so i think you reacted a bit early and agressively - this is just the way things work here, or used to anyway.
Yeah and don't take CtS and kevmaster that seriously, they are always the first ones to jump in and let you know how much you suck

- it's like a 24 hour job for them.
As for the video Lumiere, it was quite a decent video, an okay song selection, it's a pity that you changed the song to a second one, it really destroyed the whole stuff for me, you should have gone with the first song and edit to all of it (or cut the veronicas song if you thought it was too long or something).
It could have been a lot better if you'd have fixed all of those little snycing errors but overall it is an okay beginner video - i'm looking forward to your next one, this one shows promise so go for it!
Yeah and be careful with Particle Illusion because i also think that it can really stick out from a video and it can be disturbing, but it wasn't a big deal here so it was ok.
NO more haruhi dance pls

the rest fit quite well (for example: Lucky Star and shuffle imo).
/Soa Mark az angolod valami kegyetlen

Luggi, mondom ne vedd komolyan öket, ezek azt élvezik ha itt beszolhatnak azoknak akiket nem ismernek, pöcsök