Why people don't like anime

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Post by LivingFlame » Sun Jul 06, 2008 8:41 pm

ShatteredFlame wrote:I'm just curious to know, what would you introduce people to anime with? *etc etc*
If you're trying to introduce someone to anime, then that probably means you are friends with that person. If you are friends with that person, then you probably have some idea of where their tastes fall. If you have an idea of where there tastes fall, then you can try to pick an anime that targets their usual tastes. This way, there's not as much of a system shock to that person.

If they still won't like it because it's animation, then that's their choice and there's not a lot that can be done. It seems kind of narrow-minded, but then every individual is typically going to be narrow-minded about something, so don't think I'm trying to sound insulting by saying that.

And sadly, this is where all my friends fall, but whatever.
ShatteredFlame wrote:And BTW doesn't anime mean "japanese animation" and cartoon mean "american animation" What makes them so different? *snip*
Differentiation between the connotative meanings of the aforementioned words to separate individuals holding different backgrounds, worldviews, tastes, and preconceptions.

Hope that one made sense. =\
... yea ...

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Post by Sukunai » Mon Jul 07, 2008 8:01 am

Occasionally it's the REASONS why some people don't like anime that might set me off.

But then the person is likely intolerant of some aspect portrayed in the anime.
And 99% of the time is seems connected to something sexual.

I have yet to have someone go off the deep end over an anime featuring vampires (vampires are evil ya know :)).

So the person wasn't hating the anime, they were just being victimized by their hang ups yet again. And you can't win there, so why bother trying.

So when I encounter an anime hater, my policy is "fuck em". It's not like I need to care if they dislike anime for some dumb ass reason. And I am not responsible for keeping the anime business in business through promoting anime.
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Post by Vivaldi » Mon Jul 07, 2008 9:29 am

ShatteredFlame wrote:
vivaldiscool wrote:Because of DBZ.

No, seriously, now everybody thinks anime's all about absurd hairdos, bulging muscles, and guys beating the crap out of each other for vaugley defined reasons. People also dislike the fanboys (otaku), When they call it a cartoon, they're usually like "dude, why is your like revolving around this, it just a cartoon."
I'm just curious to know, what would you introduce people to anime with? People complain about action anime's like Naruto, Bleach, & DBZ ruining it for new comers but if you think about it, they stand on the same level of interest as any any anime for a newcomer. There's comedy anime like Haruhi, School Rumble, and Azumanga Daioh that people would just see as childish as most American cartoons nowadays. Then there's all the nudity/ oversized fake ass tits and features that would also turn people off from anime, due to the fact that a girl can't look that good in real life making it way too over the top. Then there's mindfuck anime like Lain & Evangelion that probably unless their a sci-fi fanatic will put people to sleep. Then there's slice of life anime which I doubt any sane person would be interested in at first, "A Dramatic Cartoon?", no offense but just saying that makes me laugh. It's not about which anime is considered great opposed too anime that is considered horrid, at first glance you'll probably know weather you'll like it or not. For a newcomer something like Haruhi is just as unattractive and childish as DBZ!

And BTW doesn't anime mean "japanese animation" and cartoon mean "american animation" What makes them so different? They're both forms of animations/art, in one way or another, and are just getting produced by a different country. I honestly fail to see why people saying "dude, why is your like revolving around this, it just a cartoon." offends people when they HAVE gotten their point across. They're basically telling you that Your obsessing over some form of animation and need to obviously go outside and live a little
About 80% percent of your argument I either directly brought up in the post you quoted, or I thought should be self explanatory, but w\e.
I'm just curious to know, what would you introduce people to anime with? People complain about action anime's like Naruto, Bleach, & DBZ ruining it for new comers ect ect...
You're right, those are show that would fit neatly into their anime sterotype, but you can't lable everything as either kiddy or "mindfuck" like that.

Infact, as I already pointed out, I would use something serious and intelligent like gits or last exile, or something with a darker "adult" nature like death note or wolfs rain. Case in point, My brother has a friend at collage who disliked anime very much (though he's not seen any) and in fact, tv and movies in general. He and his family are extreme right wing conservatives,don't even have a tv in their home, and rarely go to the movies. (not saying anything against conservatives, these guys just really live it to the core) He's a brillient philosophy\writing double major that can beat the teachers at their own mind games. Kinda sounds like a lost cause for anime, right? Wrong, we finally got him to watch kinos journey. Pure phillophsy, not a "mindfuck." and he loved it. There was another art major who has detested anime for a long time because he didn't like the art, and didn't think there could be any story, but death note and miyazaki changed all that, and he's now founder of the local death note fan club.

And yes, some people don't even know there's different genra of anime, so they just assume everything is plot absent and stupid. So they don't know what they like right off the bat.

Was that long winded anough for you?

And sadly, all my friends close by are narutards, a step in the right direction I guess. :(
And BTW doesn't anime mean "japanese animation" and cartoon mean "american animation" What makes them so different? They're both forms of animations/art, in one way or another, and are just getting produced by a different country
I don't really see what brought this on, but the difference is, aside from the art and animation styles, that "anime" is much more varied. As I said, anime is very diverse and much more expanded than western cartoons. In the west, there's basicly three genras, kiddy (i.e.loony toons, and nowaday "educational" stuff like dora the explorer) Super hero (basicly shonen, teen titans, ben 10, ect.) And adult comedy (Family guy, harvey birdman, ect..) And then there's the great disney movies, but they've been doing CGI for the past ten years, so ~meh~

The point I'm making, is that you're trying to compare hot pockets to pizza. I'm not saying the hot pocket tastes bad at all, but the pizza is just more developed, and can accommodate many more spices and toppings.

@SuKuani: you should show them FMA or last exile or something like that which doesn't have any fanservice.
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Post by Sukunai » Mon Jul 07, 2008 7:32 pm

"@SuKuani: you should show them FMA or last exile or something like that which doesn't have any fanservice."

Nah, in some cases, you just gotta KNOW, that some people deserve the word anal in a description of them soooooo badly.

But fortunately, in recent time (last handful of months) I have encountered a few anime fans (guys I would have definitely lost a wager over, in betting if they would like anime). One guy smells heavily of redneck, and I was shocked how much he can like anime all genres.
I gave him an amv of Haruhi done to Carameldansen, and he told me he played it endlessly looped the day after I gave it too him.

Shocked is an understatement.

People either like anime or hate it. I think the ones that hate anime, are likely just victims of their upbringing some where some how.

I mean, it's just anime, it's just animation, it's just videos.
And as for the fan service, hell, it's just fan service.

I tend to avoid the "darker" anime, as I prefer the funny stuff myself.
But I consider Death Note to be a very well done anime just the same.
If I want vampires, I likely want Karin or Rosario+Vampire.
Hellsing doesn't turn my crank, and Hell Girl is just not me.

Some people I know, that would react poorly to anime, likely would react worse to Hellsingl than they would to Ikki Tousen.
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Post by Otohiko » Mon Jul 07, 2008 9:44 pm

What anime? What people?

Honestly, I think that's really both oversimplifying or overcomplicating issues a bit. When it comes to hating any given anime title, statistically most people who actively bitch about it are anime fans faithful to some other genre of anime. Otherwise talking about people not liking anime generally is probably either talking about people who are either averse to animation due to poor exposure (in which case anime is not really what they mean at all), or about a very overgeneralized sample. Anime is more medium than genre, and I get annoyed by people constantly suggesting it's the latter. :roll:
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Post by OmniStrata » Fri Jul 11, 2008 11:55 am

I'm on the lack of understanding boat...

People hate/fear that which they don't understand, 90% of the time. Hence why racism and other prejudices exist.

Anime is prejudiced by the unwashed masses simply because they don't know OR have the misconception it's kid's stuff, or porno [I like the porno group, they make me laugh]

True, there are people out there who know what anime is and what the draw is but my wife stopped watching cause she seemed to have come under the preconception that anime has turned into a harem for new releases... [her loss, now she's missing out on Guardian of the Sacred Spirit, Allison to Lillia, Princess Resurrection, Slayers Revolution, a VERY big list]

There is also another thing one may notice about anime lovers. In general, they seem to be happier people than those who never heard about anime. Granted the con atmosphere kinda helps with that, but the majority of people I personally know irl who have no idea what anime is are NOT people I'd like bringing to parties... I think anime brings out imagination in the right people and then converts it to a better attitude. [there are junk-heads in the anime kingdom too, but I run into fewer of them than would be expected...]

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Post by Sukunai » Sat Jul 12, 2008 6:15 am

Interestingly put OmniStrata. Especially that last paragraph.
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Post by Kevmaster » Sat Jul 12, 2008 7:48 am

thats cuz anime lovers are childish and it's easier to make party with childish people than mature ones (anime haters) cuz theyre moar fun.


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Post by Sukunai » Sat Jul 12, 2008 11:54 am

Being childish is under rated.

I've been an adult most of my life, and frankly it only leads to a lot of stress.

Go ahead, look at me funny while I enjoy myself, you'll be dying of stress related issues before I will.
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Post by Vivaldi » Sat Jul 12, 2008 2:36 pm

OmniStrata wrote:
Anime is prejudiced by the unwashed masses simply because they don't know OR have the misconception it's kid's stuff, or porno
My (female) cousin thought that, however at the time, when she said "bad stuff" I thought she ment bad script, bad plot, bad animation ect..., so going by sturgeon's law, I said yeah, about 80% of it is. My whole (extended) family was there, I got a lot of weird looks that day. :roll:
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