- With Lelouch and the Emperor face to face, Lelouch realized it's foolish for him to use his Geass head on. So he fired a shot from his Knightmare which shattered a bunch of mirrors. And at the luck of the draw, Lelouch reflected his Geass at the Emperor and ordered him to kill himself.
The end of the series already?!!!
- HA!!!, the Emperor lives thanks to the contract with V.V. and he is immortal! And with Lelouch being totally dumbstruck, the Emperor sent him to one gigantic mindwarp with a bunch of gears (this is SO CLAMP's work with the whole gears of fate deal especially if you've seen X).
- C.C. intervened and revealed to Lelouch her one true wish, and that is to die. She also mentioned to Lelouch that he could kill her and gain immortality in order to even the playing field against the Emperor. Since he refused, C.C. considered him too soft and sent to another world.
- It is that moment that Lelouch learned A LOT about C.C.'s past from when she was a loli slave girl in the beginning (awwww, poor C.C.

), to how she got her Geass powers (which by the way has the ability to make anyone love her), to how she became immortal.
- Back in the Sword of Akasha, the Emperor was about the fulfill C.C.'s wish until Lelouch came back. He pleaded towards C.C. not to die with a sad face, and he vows to give her a happy face. It is that moment that C.C. pushed the Emperor away, and Lelouch started destroying the place with his mech.
- The episode ended with both Lelouch and C.C. escaping that place, but it seems C.C.'s mind got reverted back to her slave days.