OR MAYBE......Dr. Zero Orifice wrote:Anya is either Lulu's lost sister or C.C's daughter <- mindless and evidenceless speculation.
Yeah, I got nothing......
Sums up everything I wanted to say and more.angelx03 wrote:Episode 16, a lot of political play in this episode. For the most part, it's calm before the shit storm!
A lot of moments in which I'll more likely going to skim through.Spoiler :
- Bwahahaha, hell yes!!!
On the most part, I noticed death flags and betrayal flags raising a lot in this episode.Spoiler :
Lol,Greece is part of the Federation.OropherZero wrote:it also makes me sad that Australia isn't listed as being apart of the Federation thing or Britannia, damn Japanese looking down at us as a useless country