My problem is I hardly even watch AMVs anymore and barly enjoy them if I do watch them. Editing was getting a torture for me as it only consisted of syncing patterns and trying to make "fancy" effects which started to look more excrescent than anything else, mainly while i edited Coercion. So by thinking about this the thought came to mind: "Why making something where I do not enjoy the 'creating-process' nor the finished version?". Anyway I really have other shit in mind right now for my freetime, mainly I'm starting to play my beloved video games again, also reading books again (finally, holy shit i haven't read in a long time). I'm not saying I'm gonna leave and be gone for good. Just saying I'm not gonna edit anymore, if I start again or not in the future that depends on my very own feelings and motivation (well actually i do have a planned project which is my HD remake of Centro de Advent when Advent Children Complete is out, but that's in a distant future as of yet). Anyhow I'm still around and 'online'. Well I don't wanna abuse this thread to rant or explain myself, which i already did actually. So any more questions ---> pm please, thx.
oh one more thing...
About the MOCOnvention Video.... let's get straight to the point: I have no plans on releasing it... yet?
(I'll give ya a hint: journal)
so now back to lurking and/or posting senseless and random crap in random topics...
and good luck joey with the part