And now... trok time?
EDIT: Since you put so much effort into this video, I feel I should make a better effort to say something of more substance here...
What makes this video intriguing for me is the idea of Ayu as "the sacrificed one" who has to give herself up (and not without sadness) to achieve happiness for the other characters. Donno if this is what happened in the show (I only wiki'd it), but it comes through in your video, and from reading your extended notes it seems that you had this theme in mind. There's a sense of tragedy that goes deeper than what I'd expect from the typical anime adaption of a bishoujo game, and that's what makes this video interesting to me.
I don't care if the concept might be "pretentious" - what matters is that you cared about it enough to bring it into reality, and I can really appreciate the love that you put into making this happen.
EDIT 2: Just realized something. The fact that I didn't even think about the (no doubt tremendous) technical aspects of the video while writing the above says a lot about its success. There are plenty of effects-heavy videos out there that fail to connect with viewers despite how technically impressive they are. While it's impossible to watch this video without noticing all the crazy compositing, the video still does a good job of pulling you through the technical whirlwind into something beyond. That's something to be commended, I think.