Spoiler :
I thought at first that the resolution between Suzaku and Lelouch should have been more fleshed out but it really fits the drastic change in Suzaku the last few episodes.
He's completely come around to Lelouch's way of thinking (what I remember about the difference between the two at the beginning anyway) that results are what matter not really the process. Also Suzaku can scream that Lelouch killed Euphy all he wants but Suz killed Nunnally so they are the very least even on the pissed with each other scale. Also having all your dirty laundry aired right in front of him probably helped Suzaku feel somethign for Lelouch again.
Also I guess Karin gets to be 1st Knight since Suzaku is Knight zero. On that note I wonder if he will tell the world he was zero? Will he try to lay claim to the Chinese Federation as well? He could technically. They'd fight him but all the 11's would support him if he could prove he was Zero and their hero.
I don't think Karin will oppose them...but she could and might. But imho it will take both her and Suzaku in their shiny new mechs to take on the old knight of one.
He's completely come around to Lelouch's way of thinking (what I remember about the difference between the two at the beginning anyway) that results are what matter not really the process. Also Suzaku can scream that Lelouch killed Euphy all he wants but Suz killed Nunnally so they are the very least even on the pissed with each other scale. Also having all your dirty laundry aired right in front of him probably helped Suzaku feel somethign for Lelouch again.
Also I guess Karin gets to be 1st Knight since Suzaku is Knight zero. On that note I wonder if he will tell the world he was zero? Will he try to lay claim to the Chinese Federation as well? He could technically. They'd fight him but all the 11's would support him if he could prove he was Zero and their hero.
I don't think Karin will oppose them...but she could and might. But imho it will take both her and Suzaku in their shiny new mechs to take on the old knight of one.