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Post by Sukunai » Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:21 am

Interesting article, but like all opinions, they are free and easy to find.

Yes I like schoolgirls, so what. I don't really want one in reality, but my imagination is my business.

It's comically true that girls in real life wear their skirts so high they almost look desperate to make boys horny.
I've seen entirely non asian, non catholic girls walk by in alarmingly short skirts. They were high school girls and clearly thought nothing of it.

I've even had a girl walk past me on the street, and she had NOTHING on under skirt (yes she was walking towards me it was windy and somethings are not easy to mistake).
When asked, several of my older female friends confirmed, yes girls actually do that. I've known some female friends who were in their 40s and mothers and they tell me they occasionally enjoy no undies days too just for the thrill. And frankly a string thong bikini might as well be considered going bare assed.

It's not just guys that act "strange".
But hmm choose a toy over a real woman? No not a chance.
I like collecting anime figures from my fav shows, but they have the same status in my life as a model tank or a ceramic statue of a great cat.

I don't think the guys in Japan are willingly picking toys over real girls any more than guys in North America choose wanking to internet porn over real girls.
But when you are an atypical single male you are likely as "exciting" there as here.
That's a thinly disguised way of describing fat socially challenged losers :)
And yes I have seen plenty of those.

I think what's special about all the anime and manga related fan products, is it's more fun than images on a computer screen. If nothing else, a Japanese loser has it better than a North American loser.
But that's about the size of it as I see it. I guess it's also easier to notice and focus on.
They have ideal looking female imagery and 3d ideal female toys. The North American crowd gets to settle for women on porn sites that reek of slut and artificial in a way that is less thrilling than the artificial nature of anime females.

Loli is a complicated issue. Frankly I consider loli as anything preteen and younger and don't give a shit for mainstream's definition or the hentai mobs interpretations.
I have no idea what the appeal of an undeveloped female is. But then I have yet to figure out why online porn needs to have a naked woman in high heels regardless of where she is. Shower, middle of the woods, yeah seems like a logical place to wear high heels. Sex is about the most varied topic on the planet.

It's handy that at anime conventions the crowd is often 50% or higher female (well it has seemed like that to my eyes at the several Anime North cns I have been to).
It's handy that mainstream anime is a both gender hobby. It's reassuring that it isn't a guy thing. Many hobbies are.
I have no idea if girls collect male anime figures. I doubt girls care for hentai, but girls don't normally use visual stimulus like males do. Not sure if a girl would ever want to use a naked Naruto doll for sex :) Girls usually don't want the entire male when they play eh.

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Post by CorpseGoddess » Fri Sep 12, 2008 2:05 pm

I'm a girl (yes, on teh internets!) and I have what I call my "boy shelf" at home. It's got all the bishie Final Fantasy figures---I am a bishie-mad fangirl and have been since I was a kid, not even knowing what a bishie was.

Of course, they also share a space with Aya and Maya from Tenjho Tenge, so go figure (no pun intended).

I personally don't understand the Japanese obsession with underdeveloped, underage girls, but then I've been watching anime for over 30 years, so I've just come to accept the trope. I think it probably falls under the "virgin or whore" syndrome, but in an extreme way. Based on what I've learned about Japanese culture, and through friends who have actually lived there, I think it reflects the basic contradiction most Japanese men seem to have in reference to their feelings about women. On one hand, there's the demure, subservient woman type (of which the loli could be seen as an extreme example) which Japanese men are supposed to want in a wife; contrast that with the strong female characters that exist (Kusanagi, et al) and the domineering, nagging (often maid) characters from a lot of dating sims, which seems to be what they secretly want.

Just like anything else, these are generalities, but they seem to apply.

That being said, look at bishies. Most of them are feminine or androgynous in appearance, and yet many of them kick ass (master swordsmen, protectors of girls, etc). It's the same sort of duality, only in a different frame of reference.

And if there were MORE bishie figures available (Touga and Akio, please!), lord knows I'd be running out of room on my boy shelf even more than I already am.

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Post by wurpess » Fri Sep 12, 2008 3:28 pm

CorpseGoddess wrote:I'm a girl (yes, on teh internets!) and I have what I call my "boy shelf" at home. It's got all the bishie Final Fantasy figures---I am a bishie-mad fangirl and have been since I was a kid, not even knowing what a bishie was.


That being said, look at bishies. Most of them are feminine or androgynous in appearance, and yet many of them kick ass (master swordsmen, protectors of girls, etc). It's the same sort of duality, only in a different frame of reference.

And if there were MORE bishie figures available (Touga and Akio, please!), lord knows I'd be running out of room on my boy shelf even more than I already am.
x2 I have Squall and Sephiroth sitting on my desk, Sesshomaru and Naraku on various shelves, and got the special editions of the Death Note DVDs mostly for the Light and L figures. And every time I go through a place with figures, I constantly curse the lack of male figures and wish they had more bishie figures that were on the same level of quality and sensuality as the female ones. I mean, seriously, I know it wasn't long ago that anime fandom was primarily male and that they were the ones interested in figures. But females are becoming more and more of the anime fandom, and yet the market is still aimed primarily at guys. It's getting better, but still has a long way to go. And somehow, I have the feeling that girls make up a very large chunk of the people buying the Final Fantasy figures (Since they are some of the best bishie figures out there.) Anyway, now that I have that rant out of my system. . .
Sukunai wrote:[stuff]

It's handy that at anime conventions the crowd is often 50% or higher female (well it has seemed like that to my eyes at the several Anime North cns I have been to).
It's handy that mainstream anime is a both gender hobby. It's reassuring that it isn't a guy thing. Many hobbies are.
I have no idea if girls collect male anime figures. I doubt girls care for hentai, but girls don't normally use visual stimulus like males do. Not sure if a girl would ever want to use a naked Naruto doll for sex :) Girls usually don't want the entire male when they play eh.
Yes, many girls (like me and Corpse Goddess) collect bishounen stuff like guys collect bishoujo stuff. If they did a naked Naruto figure, you better believe it would sell. (I wouldn't buy it, but there are a lot of squealing Naruto fangirls that would. :?) And while many girls choose to hide it because of the whole old fashioned ideal that still isn't completely gone from society, we really can be just as perverted and sex-crazed as guys. Ever notice how most of the bishounen the fangirls (regardless of age) squeal about are High School age? Yaoi is the female solution to hentai. (And I'm not talking the soft shounen-ai stuff. Though that is also nice. :P) You will probably meet a lot of supposed yaoi fangirls out there who would probably be more like bishie/shounen-ai fangirls, but the hardcore ones (no pun intended) are basically admitting they like and watch hentai. (A small facet of hentai, mind you, but hentai none-the-less) Though I'm sure there are other girls out there like me who also enjoy regular hentai. And for the record, don't use and don't need are 2 different things. ;)

And now that I've ranted about the imbalance of the anime market and gave insight into the world of fangirls/female anime fans. . . .>.>

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Post by CorpseGoddess » Fri Sep 12, 2008 3:49 pm



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Post by wurpess » Fri Sep 12, 2008 4:01 pm


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Post by Lyrs » Fri Sep 12, 2008 4:47 pm

Oh! My! God! We must stop this anime madness! Look what it has done to these 3 females! The disease cannot be allowed to cross gender lines and turn our female population into merchandise collecting freaks!

I call the already diseased male population to do whatever is necessary to save our remaining womenfolk!
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Post by Sukunai » Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:06 pm

Sorry ain't helping ya :)

I'm all for gender equality, even if it means letting girls enjoy sitting half naked wanking in their own way to their own form of anime indulgence :)

I vote more anime fanservice for girls :)

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Post by Albireo Imma » Sat Sep 13, 2008 4:30 am

Haha... It's utter bull to me, I already stated my opinion on another forum, but I guess I should say again here.

He's basically saying every anime fan is a pervert, then again, Pokemon and DBZ and all that are also animes. So he's saying that little kids are perverts?

Saying all anime fans are perverts, is like saying all blacks do drugs. It's racism, but a more proper word would be discrimination.

It's as simple as that, discrimination. That's what it is, nothing more, nothing less.

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Post by BasharOfTheAges » Sat Sep 13, 2008 7:39 am

Sukunai wrote:I don't think the guys in Japan are willingly picking toys over real girls any more than guys in North America choose wanking to internet porn over real girls.
Actually, most calm, level-headed studies on the subject find dozens of people in Akiba right off the bat that are willing to admit to such "life choices" and put it clearly in their own words that they do prefer images and figures to real human contact - sexual or otherwise. In the U.S. we find that suggestion insulting, but real otaku embrace that level of weirdness.
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Post by Sukunai » Sat Sep 13, 2008 8:59 am

Why would you find it "insulting".

I myself would be inclined to prefer using terms like "odd" "tragic" or "unfortunate", but certainly not insulting.

As for the idea that all anime fans regardless of variation must be perverted, well I don occasionally encounter opinions that are easily best described as "unworthy of serious consideration".


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