Noob? I may have been around here for a relatively small portion of this thread's existance, but I've contributed my share of posters (each one hand-made with love/hatred).76 wrote:GTFO noob!NCHammer326 wrote:As much as i enjoed "In Case of Fire", "Manuals", and "Rule 34", this is an anime thread, if the last 55 pages weren't clear. Just Sayin'.
On another note, all of my posters I wrote myself, except for the rare occasion I had to quote/reference/plagarize a caption, which I pointed out (ex: when I gave credit to jkrswild. Which reminds me, the "rule 34" pic was originally posted by "paulrus" on, which you can see in the bottom left. This is the same site that jkrswild posted his poster on. Check it out.)
And why you postin' one of my posters? I'm really not sure what you're trying to say.
On a totally different note: mirkosp, thanks. I'm no hero, I just do what I can.
*flys away*