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Sierra Lorna
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Post by Sierra Lorna » Sat Sep 20, 2008 10:34 am

pyrolord wrote:I have to agree with Osaka, if you can't do screaming, then track 8 is definately for you. It's that same reason I took track 13. I took track one though simply because I know the where lead singers wife works and she is awesome. Added bonus, I know they don't mind people using their material. They were impressed with Video: Red September
Category: Action, Drama, Serious, etc. (+1)
Anime: Bleach
Song: September
Artist: Spoken
Creator: Sierra Lorna (Premonition Studios)
now I am rambling. I guess what I meant to say is if you want to change tracks, thats cool, but please don't give up on the project.
Wow. :shock: Thanks so much for doing that, pyro. Once I also had someone from Inhabited comment on one of my videos on Youtube too. Very cool to see Christian bands appreciate their fans.

I am still swamped with work, but I'm looking forward to this project being done.

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Post by AaronAMV » Sat Sep 20, 2008 11:45 am

Hehe... I'm re-watching episodes 5 and 6 of FLCL right now... I have a good idea. :)

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Post by pyrolord » Sat Sep 20, 2008 1:11 pm

Sierra Lorna wrote:
pyrolord wrote:I have to agree with Osaka, if you can't do screaming, then track 8 is definately for you. It's that same reason I took track 13. I took track one though simply because I know the where lead singers wife works and she is awesome. Added bonus, I know they don't mind people using their material. They were impressed with Video: Red September
Category: Action, Drama, Serious, etc. (+1)
Anime: Bleach
Song: September
Artist: Spoken
Creator: Sierra Lorna (Premonition Studios)
now I am rambling. I guess what I meant to say is if you want to change tracks, thats cool, but please don't give up on the project.
Wow. :shock: Thanks so much for doing that, pyro. Once I also had someone from Inhabited comment on one of my videos on boochsack too. Very cool to see Christian bands appreciate their fans.

I am still swamped with work, but I'm looking forward to this project being done.

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Post by Osakaisthebomb » Tue Sep 23, 2008 10:01 pm

hey, guys just caught the common cold and I'm basically dead. I hope to heal soon.

In the mean time keep working on your betas. All the betas I have except one aren't loading right in my laptops magix movie maker(loading only half the video). Also those same videos won't play all the way in Eventually I'm going to try and transfer them to my desktop and see if they work right in that magix movie maker.

Pyrolordz was the one that worked right. Maybe he can can explain how he exported his. I do know that vlc player says his two streams codecs are dvsd for video and arwa for the auido (to be honest not sure what that means). I tried exporting both a huffy and a lagrith video to see if any of them would work in the editor again. Both didn't.

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Post by CodeZTM » Tue Sep 23, 2008 10:05 pm

Osakaisthebomb wrote:hey, guys just caught the common cold and I'm basically dead. I hope to heal soon.

In the mean time keep working on your betas. All the betas I have except one aren't loading right in my laptops magix movie maker(loading only half the video). Also those same videos won't play all the way in Eventually I'm going to try and transfer them to my desktop and see if they work right in that magix movie maker.

Pyrolordz was the one that worked right. Maybe he can can explain how he exported his. I do know that vlc player says his two streams codecs are dvsd for video and arwa for the auido (to be honest not sure what that means). I tried exporting both a huffy and a lagrith video to see if any of them would work in the editor again. Both didn't.
Wait? Are you trying to edit with our Betas? :shock: What exactly for? The beta I sent you is MP4, so that's not going to export right. IF you need another one, I can send one in WMV or something similar.

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Post by Osakaisthebomb » Tue Sep 23, 2008 10:19 pm

CodeChrono wrote:
Osakaisthebomb wrote:hey, guys just caught the common cold and I'm basically dead. I hope to heal soon.

In the mean time keep working on your betas. All the betas I have except one aren't loading right in my laptops magix movie maker(loading only half the video). Also those same videos won't play all the way in Eventually I'm going to try and transfer them to my desktop and see if they work right in that magix movie maker.

Pyrolordz was the one that worked right. Maybe he can can explain how he exported his. I do know that vlc player says his two streams codecs are dvsd for video and arwa for the auido (to be honest not sure what that means). I tried exporting both a huffy and a lagrith video to see if any of them would work in the editor again. Both didn't.
Wait? Are you trying to edit with our Betas? :shock: What exactly for? The beta I sent you is MP4, so that's not going to export right. IF you need another one, I can send one in WMV or something similar.
whoops I meant finals. sorry for the confusion.

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Post by CodeZTM » Tue Sep 23, 2008 10:20 pm

In that case, my lagarith final didn't work?

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Post by Osakaisthebomb » Tue Sep 23, 2008 10:29 pm

CodeChrono wrote:In that case, my lagarith final didn't work?
No. In the editor it only loaded half. In my recently updated vlc player it wouldn't play the video just the audio. every other player slows down horribly.

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Post by CodeZTM » Tue Sep 23, 2008 10:31 pm

So I'm guessing you're going to need a huffy version? Or maybe uncompressed (Good Greif I hope not)?

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Post by Osakaisthebomb » Tue Sep 23, 2008 10:35 pm

CodeChrono wrote:So I'm guessing you're going to need a huffy version? Or maybe uncompressed (Good Greif I hope not)?
try sending me s huffy and i'll see if I have any problems.


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