Sousuke: I think that's about it.
Tomo: *taking photos out of her jacket* WAIT! You're forgetting something. What about being a super cool secret agent, like in one of those spy movies! Like the other day, when I was stealing your uniform. You had just come out of the shower, but you had your gun there ready to take down any intruders. And then you chased me down wearing nothing but a towel, shooting at me as you ran. And even after you lost your towel, you still kept your focus on taking out the intruder. And like the spies in any good spy movie, you looked damn sexy the entire time!

When I saw you taking photos, I was hoping that you had not taken any of this nature. I was also hoping to confiscate them, but now, being around all of you, I'm going to guess it would be pointless to even try.
Sakaki: *nods sympathetically*
Wurpess: Basically. *To Tomo* So can I have copies of those?
Mao: Awww, Sousuke. Don't get mad.
Wurpess: Yeah, we only do it because we like you and find you attractive.
Sousuke: Really?
Mao: Yep. And here, on the spy theme, every good spy looks good in a tux!

And now, I think that should wrap up the multi-talented world of Sgt. Sousuke Sagara. . .for now.
Sousuke: Should I even ask?