Lemme see
Pretty simple stuff, on the verge of finishing. The least layers I ever managed to pull out.
Gets usual. Thing in progress, the middle parts are a little harder to do. Notice the AR. Yes, it's crazy. I like crazy things.
Another of things in progress, it's offline because I moved it and set it on hiatus to have space for other things ATM :/
Judges for P:E R2 other than Code, don't click until it's released :< Gets worse. 48 layers, though I could probably pull it down by 5-10 if I tried.
My part for Christmas MEP (don't click if you want to see the final release only). 78 layers, though very simple ones. Could've been on three, if I found out how to do the transition I wanted to do in one layer. But I can't be bothered, so I just used another layer for every piece. It looks nice as a timeline, though.