The Dub Track English Dubs, not Inferior

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Post by The Origonal Head Hunter » Mon Nov 10, 2008 12:50 am

Fansubs are my Rosetta Stone for learning Japanese.
RonnieDaking wrote:i like my anime like I like my women, from japan and speaking english

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Post by Tono_Fyr » Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:29 am

I read the bulk of the article, the rest of the topic is TL;DR.

I'll put it this way as to why I prefer subs.

Anime is a very corny form of entertainment at large. When you're watching it in Japanese, reading these corny lines, it's a lot less corny than when you hear them in English because you're familiar with what something should and shouldn't sound like, and it's a hell of a lot easier to pick out something as being corny when it's in a language you understand.

Take, for instance, Gurren Lagann. I watched the series recently subtitled, I fucking loved it. I haven't enjoyed an anime that much since my middle teens. I saw about five minutes of the dub on Sci Fi, and I wanted to shoot myself. Epic lines filtered into spoken word often lose their impact.

I'd much rather read something Corny than hear something corny. Plus, since I don't understand Japanese, nor do I understand accents, irritating voice actor quirks that are noticeable in dubs are practically gone in subs. There are a few exceptions, but I don't like those shows much anyway : P

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Post by RonnieDaking » Mon Nov 17, 2008 10:33 pm

Castor Troy wrote:Meh, I watch dubs because I like to piss off sub nazis. :P
me too

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Re: The Dub Track English Dubs, not Inferior

Post by OmniStrata » Tue Nov 18, 2008 5:11 pm

I've started watching anime dubbed. Got into subs... didn't like it, watched digisubs, cause I have no choice...

And even I'll admit, I've fallen in love with some voices. [Japanese ladies sound oh so guilty sexy], I'll always prefer dub...

Want some shows where watching dub wont' bleed your ears?

Black Lagoon (seriously, listen to Revi speak NASTY Japenglish in one of the final eps of season two and you'll know, heh...)

Full Metal Panic (someone reinform me, I believe the original Japanese directors wanted the show to be totally English. Suffice it to say, they had little choice in the matter, but ADV's dub jobs rock hard)

But thankfully, I've almost never seen horridly bad dub jobs. [Love Hina, I'm ogling you...] Tales of Symphonia to Tales of Vesperia and other video games are getting in on the HOT dubs (using very famous anime dub actors no less)

I hope people would be less nitpicky. I say watch what you can...

Btw, the only media I'd watch subbed is hentai. There's just something 'wrong' about it in english I can't put my finger on... :lol:
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Re: The Dub Track English Dubs, not Inferior

Post by Jasta85 » Wed Nov 19, 2008 1:30 am

OmniStrata wrote: Btw, the only media I'd watch subbed is hentai. There's just something 'wrong' about it in english I can't put my finger on... :lol:
i've said it before, americans are incapable of vocally expressing an orgasm properly, japanese probably have just had a lot more practice ;p

i will agree with the post a few above where they mention how corny lines are so much better when you read then rather than listening. seriously, in some series they must have had to retake certain segments so many times to get the voice actors to say some of their lines with a straight face and a serious sounding tone.

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Re: The Dub Track English Dubs, not Inferior

Post by 76 » Wed Nov 19, 2008 7:09 pm

Jastas, that's the case with just about anything. Actors commonly find themselves laughing in the scene or in a serious moment. Haven't you ever watched a blooper reel?

I agree with you on the line about Orgasms.
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Re: The Dub Track English Dubs, not Inferior

Post by haibane_13 » Tue Nov 25, 2008 3:01 pm

While this is the golden age of dubs , dubs will never be superior . Case in point next time you watch an american made film in another language and actually prefer it in another language you let me know . One language to another is another world to another , and any translation of such will only be at best a minimum serving of that world . The most a dub track can offer is another world that can be enjoyable .
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Re: The Dub Track English Dubs, not Inferior

Post by SenTrix » Tue Nov 25, 2008 3:26 pm

I always prefer Subbed over Dubbed....I havent seen any Dubbed anime that I would enjoy watching.
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Re: The Dub Track English Dubs, not Inferior

Post by The Origonal Head Hunter » Tue Nov 25, 2008 4:17 pm

haibane_13 wrote:next time you watch an american made film in another language and actually prefer it in another language you let me know .
Your argument falls apart thus:

I speak english. Why would I watch it in another language?
RonnieDaking wrote:i like my anime like I like my women, from japan and speaking english

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Re: The Dub Track English Dubs, not Inferior

Post by The Origonal Head Hunter » Tue Nov 25, 2008 4:18 pm

The Origonal Head Hunter wrote:
haibane_13 wrote:next time you watch an american made film in another language and actually prefer it in another language you let me know .
Your argument falls apart thus:

I speak english. Why would I watch it in another language?
And by 'it' I mean the american made film.
RonnieDaking wrote:i like my anime like I like my women, from japan and speaking english


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