I'm glad you enjoyed my panel. It was originally a two hour panel, but I found out that the timeslot afterward was empty, so I asked if I could claim it and was given the okay. It turned out to be a damned good thing too though, because the agenda I had expected would take only two hours ended up taking the full 3 hours! I had expected to use the 3rd hour to show Brad DeMoss' DDR music video project, but unfortunately that wasn't in the cards. Regardless though, the panel went very well and I had a lot of fun, and I intend to do it again next year, and the year after and onward.EvilVegettoZ wrote: Although thinking 3 hours would be rather boring just to sit down and watch these people talk for 3 hours but it was very entertaining.....A lot of jokes cracked here and there and I must say it was worth all three hours.
I rather liked it, actually. ^v^ I thought it worked well with the footage, but yeah it did get repetitive.Not to be rude to the person who made Cybernetic Eye Candy but that video got on my nerves...
...Of course, with me being the KING of repetition, that's pretty bad. But still, I enjoyed it, downloaded it, and I play it often.
Yeah, I hadn't thought much about its replay value, but that's quite okay. It's a one-hit-wonder. But one thing I'm VERY proud of is having done something in a way that no-one else has thought of or seen before, and I'm going to strive for that in the future. It's very hard to be original when practically everything has been done many times over, but I still have a few tricks up my sleeve. Finding time to do them is the problem. I still consider myself a rookie though. I may have been in the AMV scene for 4 years, but in those four years I've only found time to complete two videos, and ATW6:35 was by no means an example of my skill. Creativity, yes. Skill, no.But one video in my mind stood out the most...."A total waste of 6 minutes and 35 seconds". This video was completely original and I must say I enjoyed it very much...One problem though...It had NO replay value at all....But it was still entertaining the first time....
While I don't have link to the video itself posted on a-m-v.org, I did post a little documentary about it. I think you'll find it interesting.
I wasn't expecting the video to get as big of a reaction as it got though.
Since it'd be a little difficult for me, the moderator of my own panel, to also be a panelist of my own panel, I'm flipping a coin over the notion of whether to give my panelist position to her or not. But yeah, I wouldn't have felt bad at all if she had won. I feel she would have 'earned' it more than I, but unfortunately it's not through such merit that AX judges videos (but that'll be changing).Spectacular by Jessica Brunelle was awsome video as well....I'm just wondering who she is....I'd like to congradulate her.....
That bummed me too. The tech crew wanted to have a DVD-R burner as a prize, but things were too late in the game and that's one thing that fell through the cracks. I dunno... did they even have the director's chair this year?Worst part of all...No PRIZES!
Speaking of chairs, did Kevin Caldwell ever get his director's chair that he won from AX98 or 99? I think he was there for AX99 so I think he may have gotten it, but I think he wasn't there for AX98 and offered it for auction or something since they wouldn't ship it to him. However... In ConOps I saw the autographed backrest cloth from either AX98's or AX99's chair (with the rest of the chair no-where in sight) and it was in truly sad and disgusting shape. To see it in such shape was, in my opinion, disrepsecting all the GoH's that signed it.
There weren't any judges choice awards. At all. There were awards from Otaku Outpost though, one of which I won (cajones).......They didn't even have anyone come up after each video like last year...Although I must admit there was a hot girl as the host for this years AX but it didn't make up for the lack of quality in this contest....This is my second con...and I must say....AX SUCKS.....Atleast this year.....They didn't even know if there were Judges Choice awards and the people running those had to tell them and get up on stage....
Well, now that I know you're on this forum, I don't need to worry about your sloppy writing, now do I? ^v^One good thing did come out of it though....Troy Williams has ran the panel for a few years now....He asked everyone to give them their e-mail addresses so he can contact them...I think he noticed my video or something but he called me up as well so after the contest I gave him my e-mail address.....I just hope he can read my sloppy writing...lol....
Anyway, yes I did indeed notice your video. I was impressed with several technical aspects about it, and for personal reasons I was also impressed with the video's concept as well. Maybe not to others, but to me, your video stood out like a beacon.
What I normally do and had planned to do for future panels was invite the 3 winning AMV creators and 1 wildcard panelist, which was someone who I thought stood out yet didn't win. That wildcard panelist WAS to be you, but AX decided to add a -fourth- category (and to my understanding there will likely be a FIFTH category next year as well) so that blows my wildcard panelist idea out of the water. I REALLY don't want more than 4 panelists, because as you saw at my panel, it's hard enough squeezing time for 4 panelists into 2 hours as it is, and with 3 hours I was at the wire.
So, right now the story is that I have you listed as an alternate. I haven't sent out the official invitations yet, but if any of the 4 winners (assuming Jessica takes my seat) declines to attend my AMV panel, their seat goes to you.
Y'know, with the amount of AMV makers that have offered to help, they could probably fill the tech staff 3 times over.Besides all this I'm going to TRY to get in contact with the coordinators and let them have ME work WITH them for next year to make up for everything
I was with James and Anneke (not to be confused with Vampire Anneke) during the night of the recompile. The three of us locked ourselves in TechOps and clustered a mess of computers together and recompiled the videos all night. We aimed for an 8:00am showing, we got them on screen at 8:30am, and I was too fuqin' tired to enjoy what I was seeing. I saw them Sunday morning and I enjoyed them a lot more.
Anyway, I put in the word that I'd like to be on the AMV staff as well (a department whose creation is still being discussed, since the AMV dept and Tech dept are still currently ONE department). However, there is a price. You would have to give up making AMVs. Impartiality is THE rule. There was a lot of gray with me simply helping the guys recompile the videos as it was that night, but I didn't handle the comedy category so there really wasn't a big issue. I handled the "FUN" and "Action" categories, and no it's not my fault that one video got played at the wrong time. In any case, if you're serious about it, it's best to wait until around December to start asking. Traditionally, after each AX it's usually VERY taboo for any ANY AX staffer to discuss is ANYTHING even remotely pertaining to Anime Expo until after x-mas.
If you do get called in to help (which, to be bluntly honest, is unlikely unless they know you pretty well), you'll do just that - help. Suggestions are good, and they'll be glad to entertain whatever ones you may have whether you're a staffer or not, but don't go in expecting to totally revolutionize the contest by yourself.....What they have done was just not acceptible...A few videos couldn't play do to technical difficulties and a few other stuff....I must say.....This contest was POORLY organized.....But hopefully next year it will be better....If I do get in contact with the coordinators I'm going to request to run it like last year....Have a little something for each contestant...Have them called up and come on stage.....Have prizes for christs sake.....And a bunch of other stuff that they could do to make things better.....
All the things you stated are things they wanted to do. The problem is that they totally got caught with their pants down on this, and ended up doing a lot of things at the absolute last nanosecond. This is the first time they ran the contest without Shawn. They now know what NOT to do. I can tell you that the amount of embarasment they feel from this year's contest is IMMENSE, and they indeed have learned much from this. There is not a doubt in my mind that they will have a much better contest next year.
I believe it was "Shameless Rock Video" by Ian Roberts.I'm sorry about not remembering the persons name who won the "Fun" category...Anyone who went to the contest and rememebrs please post a reply stating the name...That would be great.....
Thank -you-. ^v^Thank you!