Recruiting from The Tube

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Re: Recruiting from The Tube

Post by Nya-chan Production » Fri Nov 28, 2008 12:49 am

jasper-isis wrote:
Nya-chan Production wrote:
BasharOfTheAges wrote:If that information gets out i'd expect a huge spike in uploads soon after. There are a lot of functional computer-illiterate out there and this small, easily overcome hurdle was probably holding them back from flooding the servers.
Anyyone who manages to read AMV Tech guide (and make a good vid by it - from the technical POV) will on 99% manage to get FTP working.
So let's actually discuss the topic of AMV creators migrating between here and boochsack. Is it a good or bad thing, and should we try to do anything about it?

The fact remains that we've experienced a very significant drop in videos added to the catalog right around the time boochsack came into prominence. We look down on the boochsack community’s supposedly lower standards for AMV creation, but don’t forget that we’re also potentially losing out on a lot of new talent. If we’re not, then the general quality of videos here should have increased. Has it?

Now that boochsack has rolled out widescreen and HD streaming support, videos there can have the potential to look pretty damn good. Think this will affect anything?
I guess it's both-sided. For us, boochsackers are low-lifes, for them we are too bourgeois (generalized). I guess some of the quality will improve on BS, but the main core will stay the same.
And of course, the ppl who will join will mainly be those who will improve.


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Re: Recruiting from The Tube

Post by Otohiko » Fri Nov 28, 2008 1:31 am

My fear is less for the communal considerations here - as with clique politics, I find that larger "class politics" here have a tendency to work out, or can be worked out with proper intervention if needed.
My fear is much more that perhaps the culture of video collections and downloaded content might be itself in decline. I'm not saying that it is, because frankly I couldn't tell you, but the off chance that it is may be creating some serious issues here where it's not the politics but video technology and the way its use is changing needs to be considered and perhaps adapted to in some form.
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Re: Recruiting from The Tube

Post by godix » Fri Nov 28, 2008 1:37 am

jasper-isis wrote:So let's actually discuss the topic of AMV creators migrating between here and boochsack. Is it a good or bad thing, and should we try to do anything about it?
The org is elitist enough a youtube migration would do little more than piss off the current members. Hell, the org community is barely tolerant of people with some semblance of talent or intelligence let alone youtubers. The tubers would get pissed because of the arrogant condescending dickheads then they'd spam the forums with one line incomprehensible comments.

So instead of going to the effort of pulling in lots of youtube editors I suggest we just invite Mad Hatter back. There will be dozens of posts that are totally random nonsensical statements (even before the hatter scrambling kicks in) while the regulars would get a chance to insult people and feel good about how superior they are. It'd be exactly the same with a whole lot less effort.

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Re: Recruiting from The Tube

Post by Odinsdragondaughter » Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:47 am

I agree with what others have said about the aristocrats versus everyone else issue. If a flood of commoners like me from other sites show up here we're likely to be treated like dogs and we'll either run away or bite back.

Eh, I already noticed there are two sets of populations at AMV Org. There's the general masses who join just to share videos and there's the smaller population who haunt the forum. From the few videos I've downloaded and watched I have a feeling that the general population is not very different here than it is anywhere else. The big difference is in the attitudes of the core members of the forum. Perhaps the difference is noticeable here because the population of the forum is both smaller and somewhat more isolated than the general population that haunts YT, Google, et al. I suppose if YT still had active groups like LiveJournal's fan communities then the snobbishness would show up more often there.
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Re: Recruiting from The Tube

Post by Kionon » Fri Nov 28, 2008 5:06 am

I am conflicted.

I go out of my way to help individuals who show up here, but I wouldn't say I am actively encouraging non-members to become members. Overall I am quite okay with us remaining a small and insular, if not outright isolationist, group. Of course, with three quarters of a million members... We are already looking at the population of a major urban area.

It's been described as class warfare, but I hardly think that this qualifies. There is no socioeconomic difference except for a select few. Most members on the org, even core members do not have multiple computers, multiple monitors, HDTVs and the like... Yeah, maybe there are a few of us, but still not most of the respondents on this forum even have that sort of equipment. I think the class distinction is largely fiction.

Rather I think the issue is that older members, myself most definitely included, feel threatened by newer members. And I don't mean in the metaphorical way. Those of us who have been around rightly fear mass amounts of exposure. Not as much as M@D creators, but we genuinely worry that if a massive influx of new editors were to arrive they would not respect our para-copyrights, our rules, our ethics, and our moral code, and in doing so bring intellectual property lawyers down on us as if we had set up a RIAA attracting supermagnet. Whether this belief is rooted in actual fact or a subcultural traditional belief held so close for so long it seems to be developing along pseudo-spiritual lines is really immaterial. The fear is real, even if the outcome isn't.

I for one will continue to advocation caution when dealing with streaming video sites, and speak out against going too far in making ourselves part of the larger remix culture, especially in ways that seek to emulate the streaming websites. I have no doubt that there are good editors, or editors capable of becoming good, on the streaming video sites, but let them find us on their own. I don't think becoming evangelistic about the org is the safest option. Even Phade believed, and likely still believes, our days are numbered. If that is so, why hasten them? If anything, perhaps we should be going the opposite direction. The goal of the org is no longer even valid: it is now beyond our ability to catalog every amv in existence, let alone host them. Our goal must change, and I think that change, for our own survival, should face inward.
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Re: Recruiting from The Tube

Post by Odinsdragondaughter » Fri Nov 28, 2008 6:23 am

Re. Kionon: Perhaps, instead of trying to host or even catalog every AMV in existence, AMV Org should focus on being a showcase for those AMVs that the popular (and thus more closely investigated) sites won't broadcast for music copyright reasons or whatever. I'm not suggesting hosting porn or anything like that. I just mean videos that wouldn't otherwise be shared except via filesharing sites like Sendspace or Peer to peer programs.
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Re: Recruiting from The Tube

Post by Ishbalan » Fri Nov 28, 2008 10:23 am

Wow, I didn't think this little thread of mine would lead to a discussion about the end of the Org.

I say don't make things easier. Those with the talent can figure it out themselves. For those that can't, but still have the potential, we should do what I did with fullmetalcan, and guide them through it. We can recognize the talent of the Tube and recruit them here, but that doesn't mean putting up a flyer saying "Come on in!"
I like the way the Org is. The forum has just the right amount of posters, not like AS forums, where there are so many people it is impossible to find out everything that is happening. Also, I tend to think the people here are a class above those. The people here either have talent, and therefore good taste and make for intellentual conversation, or they are like me, and have a keen appreciation of this art, and we learn and hope to oneday gain the courage to make an AMV ourselves.

Don't open up the floodgates to the Youtubers. Be selective, like its always been. No one wants this site to collapse under its own weight.

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Re: Recruiting from The Tube

Post by Moonie » Fri Nov 28, 2008 11:28 am


All of this "be selective"... "class above those"...
Sounds like a bunch of elitist talk

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Re: Recruiting from The Tube

Post by Zarxrax » Fri Nov 28, 2008 12:02 pm

Kionon wrote: Rather I think the issue is that older members, myself most definitely included, feel threatened by newer members. And I don't mean in the metaphorical way. Those of us who have been around rightly fear mass amounts of exposure. Not as much as M@D creators, but we genuinely worry that if a massive influx of new editors were to arrive they would not respect our para-copyrights, our rules, our ethics, and our moral code, and in doing so bring intellectual property lawyers down on us as if we had set up a RIAA attracting supermagnet. Whether this belief is rooted in actual fact or a subcultural traditional belief held so close for so long it seems to be developing along pseudo-spiritual lines is really immaterial. The fear is real, even if the outcome isn't.

I for one will continue to advocation caution when dealing with streaming video sites, and speak out against going too far in making ourselves part of the larger remix culture, especially in ways that seek to emulate the streaming websites. I have no doubt that there are good editors, or editors capable of becoming good, on the streaming video sites, but let them find us on their own. I don't think becoming evangelistic about the org is the safest option. Even Phade believed, and likely still believes, our days are numbered. If that is so, why hasten them? If anything, perhaps we should be going the opposite direction. The goal of the org is no longer even valid: it is now beyond our ability to catalog every amv in existence, let alone host them. Our goal must change, and I think that change, for our own survival, should face inward.
Old members feel threatened? Well who gives a damn? All us old members do is sit around talking about the good old days of amvs instead of actually making them :roll:

The purpose of this site IS to catalog every amv in existence, so it is simply wrong to turn people away or ridicule them based on the fact that their videos might suck, or because they actually dare to post their videos on the defacto #1 video sharing site on the planet. Everyone is a noob in the beginning, and in the end, it doesn't even matter.

I personally don't fear copyright cops. I don't care if the org's local hosting get's shut down. The heart and soul of the org is, and always has been, the community. People who care about showing their vids will be able to find hosting just like they used to, and it's about 100x easier now than it used to be. Honestly, I have never even understood the link between the tube and everyone's fear of the org being shut down. I mean seriously, I think people are really reaching there. One company writes to the org requesting that their musical properties be taken down a few years ago, and everyone shits bricks like it's the end of the world. AMV life goes on.

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Re: Recruiting from The Tube

Post by JaddziaDax » Fri Nov 28, 2008 12:39 pm

I'm only selective because a lot of the immature or very young people over there wouldn't understand why "people here are so mean to them" over here.

I try to gauge it on who I think has a chance of surviving and who can benefit from the crit that goes around. Because if they can't handle my crit there, and if 15 of their friends jump me for watching a video that I "didn't like" and leaving comments accordingly then there really is no point in dragging their drama over here.


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