Yea well I made this video a while don't expect anything awesome, but just posting because it was my first full amv with sony vegas and just trying to get noticed here on

Alt_z3 wrote:I don't know what really made me to download this amv, but never more phenomen vids. I can't even get a hold of myself to write something about it. The conclusion is one : the song phenomenon is being raped more and more with another amv, which is basing on Sierra's amv.
You don't have to make lipsynch in the same place where Sierra did (not to mention the lipflaps), you don't have to start the amv with the same kind effect as she, and no more literal lyric synch please:D
phew the nerves went out. Don't expect to get attention from viewers.
I will now proceed to give this video all tens thanks to delicious fanboy/girl/it butthurt.Alt_z3 wrote:I don't know what really made me to download this amv, but never more phenomen vids. I can't even get a hold of myself to write something about it. The conclusion is one : the song phenomenon is being raped more and more with another amv, which is basing on Sierra's amv.
You don't have to make lipsynch in the same place where Sierra did (not to mention the lipflaps), you don't have to start the amv with the same kind effect as she, and no more literal lyric synch please:D
phew the nerves went out. Don't expect to get attention from viewers.
Vax, please do not give away sites where to download clips and/or episodes, saying that is enough of a hint.Vax wrote:Hmm I'm getting this out of pure curiosity.
Lmfao. I seriously stopped after I saw those inverts. And if this was made a while back and you wanted to continue it, wouldn't you go back and sex up the bad parts? Your horrid quality did not help. [MOD 403: removed]Along with the fact that you used Dragon Ball Z with Phenomenon D:
This isn't hate, and saying you should be expecting it is dumb. This is constructive criticism.Well, didn't want to get so much hate from the vid that was made such a long time ago...but ehh its the org so I should be expecting it.