by Sukunai » Mon Dec 15, 2008 9:43 am
Haven't yet seen ep 11 (I have it, just haven't gotten to it yet).
But if news items are any indication, it looks like the gag censoring is now a bad idea gone brain dead.
Ok panties, frankly I don't mind them, but frankly I also don't desperately need them either.
I couldn't care less if they were based ass shots.
But if they are going to do a panty shot anime, they need to either flash the panties, or stop doing a panty shot anime if they are going to constantly flash them, then cover them up (until the dvd release). Do they really think anime fans are going to appreciate the technique? If Gonzo is all but on life support, them maybe they should decide, either do no panty shot anime that's merely just good anime (we don't 'need' panties in aniome to make it good), or they should do adult anime, and cut the pretense.
I basically watch fan subbed anime, and then if I liked it, I wait for the dvd release. But I am actually getting annoyed by the intensity of the here not here panty shot notion. If they can't show it, then don't draw it. Teddy bears all over the image, and now increasingly multiple teddy bears, is ruining the anime. If they think they have money troubles now, what do they think making us pissed off is going to do? I'm not going to buy Rosario just to see some better panty shots.
The world's anime fans are NOT all f**king loser Japanese male otakus that make girls cringe. Maybe THEY need their excessive panty anime, but most of us really don't need it that badly.
Anime, one of the few things about the internet that doesn't make me hate the internet.