by commozee05 » Mon Dec 22, 2008 2:14 pm
Ok, after much consideration of ppl's comments, I have decided that I do not like where this thread is going, and maybe it was too early for me to attempt this. Most ppl just took the piss out of Nickelback, which is NOT the reason I am 'abandoning' this. I am shutting this down be I believe I have bitten off more than I can chew. Of thehe ppl who had contacted me via my profile and had given me their opinions on how the Mep was being run, 95% made the same point that I was just too inexperienced and I should do more on the forum before I try something of this magnitude. So I apologise to nickelback fans and all forum members for the sequence of errors and mishaps that reduced this MEP to shambles. So I have decided to shut down this MEP before things get too out of control. Sorry for anyone whose time I have wasted and I assure you I will not pull a stunt like this again without knowing more about what I am doing. I know hope that everyone can remain civilised and refrain from hurling abuse at me and this idea until the moderators hopefully close this thread.
Thank You.
Hey...........Am I hawt or what?