This reminds me of a topic on in which I am a well known member......have been for several years. There was a topic just like this about how dothackers has changed you, and all that good jazz, and as I read all the posts in this topic, I was reminded how much of an asshole AuraTwilight is

I'm DotHack-Haseo on the site by the of the highest ranked posters XD
As for the org changing me, it has....more so than I would like to admit. If you go to the page with the list of AMV's that I have uploaded here and look at all my earlier works compared to my new would see a huge improvement. As far as my personality changing regarding AMV's and the way I critique them and the way I handle myself on the forums....yes......the org has definitely changed me. I used to be nice, and sugar coated all my responses. But, now......I can't help but point out flaws and be blunt. In a way, I've sorta become an asshole

But, not as much as persay, Kevmaster XD