This Sunrise series is based on a manga done by Korean artists who has done manwha before (most notably Unbalance x Unbalance). Interesting thing to note that it's already licensed by Bandai Entertainment, and they made great strides to do a simultaneous English dub broadcast (courtesy of NYAV Post) of this around the same time as the Japanese (well almost). So what that means is that the peeps of NYAV Post were working on the voice-over based on a bunch of rough sketches so it's up to Sunrise to actually animate their mouth-movement; this is how most voice-overs in cartoons are produced, and the English dubbers have the opportunity to do this so any complaints about shoddy script changes due to lip-flaps have now became MOOT!
Also for anyone who actually has the channel iaTV, you can check it out every Thursday at 8 PM Eastern/Pacific.
Now for the first episode, this actually a rather intriguing premise (which you can read the synopsis on ANN) which built a good amount of mystery though there's quite of bit of angst surrounding Keita throughout most of the first episode. Well, if you have the premise of ....