downwithpants wrote:the dgindex step isn't the illegal step. it's the dvd decrypter or smart ripper step, which you've already done.
i'm calling GUTS.
Fix'd :<
downwithpants wrote:the dgindex step isn't the illegal step. it's the dvd decrypter or smart ripper step, which you've already done.
i'm calling GUTS.
i agreeKalium wrote:Maybe I'm just a hardened scofflaw, but the potential penalties just don't impress me much. They're stupidly harsh, in defense of an utterly moronic position that makes no sense.
Kevmaster wrote: haha pussy
Can you imagine if our essays in school fell under these laws......Think of the pages and pages of typed work and sources cited and all ....and if my old memory serves me correctly, if a said essay used reference from film (news reports, TV program, Documentary ect) there was a specific way to cite that as well.Vax wrote:I was watching Narutomaniacs new video on the tube and the audio got disabled due to copyright. I clicked on the "know more about copyright" and I came upon this.
It doesn't matter how long or short the clip is, or exactly how it got to boochsack. If you taped it off cable, videotaped your TV screen, or downloaded it from some other website, it is still copyrighted, and requires the copyright owner's permission to distribute.
It doesn't matter whether or not you give credit to the owner/author/songwriter—it is still copyrighted.
It doesn't matter that you are not selling the video for money—it is still copyrighted.
It doesn't matter whether or not the video contains a copyright notice—it is still copyrighted.
It doesn't matter whether other similar videos appear on our site—it is still copyrighted.
It doesn't matter if you created a video made of short clips of copyrighted content—even though you edited it together, the content is still copyrighted.
why would the audio creators care about the ripped off anime?MrDoctorDoctorGimmeDaNews wrote:What about the people who created the audio?
I happen to very much like my favorite band's labels. I have a Century Media sticker on my computer case.LuluandAuron wrote:In most cases it's the Label, not the Band itself.
So buy those T-shirts, go to the concerts!!!! Support the band!!!.....Down with the labels.
so they should go after the ppl that you give your videos too?? Gee your nice.Bauzi wrote:I would be very very angry, because they went after me. First they should go after people who sell bootlegs, than after people who use illegal obtained material. They shouldn´t even bother about me when I legaly obtained my footage. I see all this copyright laws as a shield for the producers for much much worse things than amvs. We don´t hurt anybody so I want to be tolerated!
Anway: It´s true that they can tear us apart because of this shield, but why should they do it?
No. That´s definatly not what I meant or wanted to say. You read something wrong out of my text. I mean people who edit with illegal obtained material. Why should they go after somebody first who actually bought the sources? That´s unfair.Knowname wrote:so they should go after the ppl that you give your videos too?? Gee your nice.Bauzi wrote:I would be very very angry, because they went after me. First they should go after people who sell bootlegs, than after people who use illegal obtained material. They shouldn´t even bother about me when I legaly obtained my footage. I see all this copyright laws as a shield for the producers for much much worse things than amvs. We don´t hurt anybody so I want to be tolerated!
Anway: It´s true that they can tear us apart because of this shield, but why should they do it?