by TwilightChrono » Wed Feb 11, 2009 5:43 pm
2 Seconds of footage, from your source with no music to make it easier to transition to another track. Meaning, making it easier to transition from the track before your to your track and then to the person track after yours. If we were to just transition from person to person without that added 2 seconds of footage, it would be too jarring. This way, we can provide good and smooth transitions. With the 2 seconds of footage that you supply, we could mask that 2 seconds of footage into the end of the person's track before yours or we could do it some other way. without that 2 seconds of footage, the MEP would be pretty jarring, just switching from one anime to the next with no warning. If I didn't explain it clear enough, I can show you, just contact me through AIM, or you can let LA describe it to ya.
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