by VicBond007 » Fri Apr 03, 2009 8:24 am
Scintilla: If you upload a new video before the deadline, and tell me to scratch the old one, then that's fine, regardless of your reason. The point of the rules is to keep out trolls, not punish people who win stuff! Just don't upload two videos at once and say "Put in video 1 unless it wins something kthxbye".
Scintilla again: DJI is working with fan parodies now.
Ryoko823: The rules and submission database were ready to go mid-February. However I did not make them available to the public for political reasons. Without going into finger-pointing detail, I refused to work for Otakon if they continued to support irrational decisions that crippled our hobby. Needless to say, since I'm back now, I report directly to the Director of Programming and am actually involved in the decision-making that affects my contest (fascinating concept, I know!).
Scintilla III: I will not have the East Coast screening on ANext weekend. Most of the Jerseyfolks will be there, and that's a sizable chunk of our prescreening audience, lol. I also have no clue where it will be. I haven't talked to Alan about it yet, and he certainly has no obligation to run it.
"With free bagels we can live like Kings!...Kings who have to pay for their own castle in order to get the free bagels!" - Omar Jenkins