The Attitudes Of AMV Creators...

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Post by Ashton » Thu Nov 28, 2002 4:12 am

TommyRude wrote:"ErMaC reasoning"
Wow. You know, it would have been one thing if you had said "Ermac sucks because... he SUCKS!" but you actually put the time in to make a point. Props to you for not being a total idiot. However, two quick things about that.
ErMaC, congrads... you has somebody that cares so much about you and your work that they have spent time analyzing both. They look at videos of you at night and right down the things that you say. You have really hit the big time!
And TR, I can't say that I disagree with what your saying (more from a lack of personal knawledge on the matter than any amount of agreement) but I would have to warn you to watch yourself. Its these kinds of unthinking comments that can often lead to something (or someone) biting you in the butt in the future.
Just a thought...
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Post by TommyRude » Thu Nov 28, 2002 5:33 am

Well Ash, I try analyze everythin before I comment on the matta'.
An' as for the second one, trust me, I been playin' the house misanthrope in the fan comunities for more than 5 years now. I KNOW how people react to me, an' I know how to take care a' myself. Your warning is jus like the other 12 dozen I've already gotten an' imidiately disregarded. :P

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Post by SpPANDA » Thu Nov 28, 2002 7:24 am


who brang this thread back?

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Post by XStylus » Thu Nov 28, 2002 7:32 am

TommyRude wrote:Few things I wanna clear up before this thread gets axed.

XStylus: Nah, I don' go outta my way to piss off anyone, it jus comes naturally. Scary thought, huh?
In the words of Wacko Warner, "I think you need to see a Pe-Sychyatrist."
2) Why do I dislike ermac? 2 reasons. One, I dislike his style which is overly simplistic. Is' the kinda stuff that looks pretty good but doesn' take a whole lotta effort
Seeing as I made what was probably the most simplistic video ever dared to be shown, I think I need to defend the art of simplicity here.

In my opinion, I think it takes more skill to create a video that takes very little work yet is still good than it does to make a video with a lot of complexity. All that does is say that you really know your shit with Premiere/Illustrator/Photoshop. Making a simple video that is still good takes creativity. There are people who can do both, and can do impressive things, but AMV viewers expect to be impressed with really complex and amazing edits and such. The videos that stand out the most are videos that give them something they never expect.

Yes, I'm probably inflating my ego a bit, but indulge me.
Second, is' a known fact I dislike bullsh*t.
You can dish it out, but you can't take it, eh? ^_^
How does this affect my opinion of ermac? He's tried to explain on several occasions the 'story' of Soul of an Angel. Nuh-uh. Sorry all, I've SEEN SoaA. If there's supposed to be a story, ermac left it in his head an' forgot to put it in the video. Is' more or less jus' a bunch of random scenes wit' flashing effects.
Y'know, I'm gonna agree with you on that. I saw that video at AX2001, and I said "Oooo... pretty." I didn't see any story at all. I saw art, which depending on your perspective is better than a story. But yeah, he did try to explain the 'story' to me and, well... nuh uh.
Oh yeah, I was kinda put off by the fact that he tried to say another video using Shine, set to Escaflone, was a rip-off of SoaA. As if he has exclusive rights to the damn song.
I haven't seen the video in question, so I can't say. I doubt you have either. However, if it had all the flashy transitions and whatnot, then yeah, it's a rip. But if the guy simply wanted to use the same song, even if he was introduced to the song through Ermac's vid, there's nothing wrong with that. In any case, I can't say if the remark was egotistical or not until I've seen the video myself... provided I cared enough to research the matter. Let's just say Ermac has an ego and should be hanged, okay? While you're at it, hang myself, Hsien, Brad, and everyone else including you, because we all are guilty of the same thing from time to time. You seem to have a big enough ego to think that you have the right to accuse others of having over-inflated egos and have the right to comdemn them for it.
That was a DAMN egotistical remark to make, matched only by what I saw when I got home from AX an' dropped the DVD I bought from Brad Demoss into the player where I had the honor of seeing him make an ass outta HIMSELF by claiming Disney had ripped off a Princess Mononoke vid he made because they made a Pearl Harbor trailer using a clip from the same song as him.
Yeah, Brad DeMoss pointed that out at my AX2001 AMV panel. Does he have any fact? No. Could it have just been coincidence? Sure. Could it have actually been true? There's a faint possibility, but that possibility exists. It showed at AX2000, which WAS at the Disneyland Hotel. Am I going to fault him for pointing out the possibility? No.

One of the GoHs at AX2002 asked for a copy of my AMV. Unfortunately I didn't have an extra copy to give (I KNEW I should have hung onto one CD), but I asked the staff to provide him a copy (gee, think he ever got it?). If I suddenly started seeing a weird anime show that had a pop-up commentary between a viewer and the creator, would I be suspicious? Yeah. (For the record, I wouldn't mind. In fact, I'd feel flattered). Would you fault me for it, condemning me as being egotistical? Probably. Why? Because you delight in it, and have nothing better to do.
Is there a problem wit the attitudes of AMV creators?
You bet.
Am I part of it?
Tommy, you are 100% attitude.
Granted I'm not the most pleasant person in the world, but I think I'm more of a symptom than a cause. If there was no bullsh*t an' politics where there shouldn' be, then people like me would shut the hell up.
I don't think you'd shut up even if there weren't places for you to speak out. As for the politics, WHAT politics? What's to be gained through politicing? Is there some sort of election going on with control of the AMV House of Representatives up for grabs or something? Cuz if there is, I wanna start soliticiting for campaign contributions!
I'm only the bad guy because the majority says I am.
Noooo, you're the bad guy because you made yourself that way. I labeled you as a 'bad guy' because you pissed me off several times at the convention and on the forums. It's all good though... you're okay when we talk one-on-one, daresay even civil, but in a public venue you're a dick. You're not a dick because we put a big phallus costume on you and started calling you 'dick', you're a dick because you keep sticking yours in places where people didn't ask for it to be stuck.
But at one time the majority thought Hitler was a great man, so whas' that say about popular opinion? :P
Riiiiiight. Ermac and Brad are going to start sending non-conforming, impure AMV creators of questionable religion (they don't take Gendo as their Lord and Savior) to concentration camps to repeatedly listen to Linkin Park and watch DBZ AMVs until their death, right? Come on. Comparing them to Hitler is a little low, even for you.


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Post by klinky » Thu Nov 28, 2002 8:29 am

I don't know man, ErMaC's a pretty nice dude. There are some others, I don't know who, who are more stuck up..

Being stuck up and walking about with a stick up your ass in full view, doesn't mean you're special... means you're a asshole(or well have something up it. Once TommyRude produces something better then ErMaC, ErMaC > TommyRude.

Like WuWu, YCSTR, yeah ^_^ I am talkin' you f00l. Very anal...

I'll let the AIM chat do the talking:
AIM Chat: wrote: supersai45: do you have a high quality source of my part?
klinky2000: just posted the link to the good kwality mp3 file :O
supersai45: mind, im not listening to the song
supersai45: im only doing my part
klinky2000: yeah so I should care as in how ?
klinky2000: do your editing monkey!
supersai45: not sure
supersai45: people seem shocked when i tell them i didnt listen to the song
klinky2000: I don't like the song, but fuck it, I feel like doing something other then masturbating :\
supersai45: ...hai?
klinky2000: I meant master editing
supersai45: ....riiiiight
The idea behind the him not listening to the song was his way of trying to get a rise out of people, just to iritate them. Gives the impression that he's too good for the prject to listen to the whole song. I don't really give a shit if he didn't, but obviously other people gave him the attention he was attempting to create.

ErMaC is not anal, is not stuck up. He invested alot of time into the guides along with AD, has helped out quite a few people and has bitten the heads off of people who prolly deserver(evil newbies who can't read a guide or a manual :\). ErMaC gets alot of attention because he gives a bunch of positive attention to the AMV community.

Alot of people, their way of getting attention is to try to do it negatively. The so and so sucks threads and posts, just prove the concept. These show more of a jealousy towards someone being more popular then they are. :roll:

I would rather spend time on making something constructive, them attempting to bash something. That's not always the way it works with me and any community for that matter.


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Post by klinky » Thu Nov 28, 2002 8:32 am

and sorry for the technical errors in that post, klinktism continues and I've been up all night with stomach problems, I should fix a error in the mathmatics...

"UNTIL TommyRude does something greater then ErMaC, then ErMaC > TommyRude."

There :O Bah


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Post by The_Mad_Hatter » Thu Nov 28, 2002 10:58 am

SpPANDA wrote:O_O

who brang this thread back?
I think it was due largely in part to me...I sometimes have that effect on things. ^_^

It's a good topic though, shouldn't be nixed, it's the kinda place where peeps can come and relieve some tention and pent up anger. Just remember not to take everything super serious...otherwise you might wind up getting damaged.

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Post by mexicanjunior » Thu Nov 28, 2002 11:06 am

The_Mad_Hatter wrote: ...otherwise you might wind up getting damaged.
Like Rei-Mix? :shock:

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Post by The_Mad_Hatter » Thu Nov 28, 2002 11:39 am

>ErMaC, congrads... you has somebody that cares so much about you and
>your work that they have spent time analyzing both. They look at
>videos of you at night and right down the things that you say. You
>have really hit the big time!

I just want you to know that you're severely ass raping the art of bad sarcasm...stop. Also, you're making an idiot of yourself by insulting your own inferiority when it comes to judging the quality of an AMV...stop.

>Tommy, you are 100% attitude., you peeps just don't know. From what I've seen of Tommy so far on this board, he's a lightweight compared to the people I usually choose to spar with. Of course he might just be going easy on all of you. You should all probably grow a lil thicker skin and lighten up a lil.

>Noooo, you're the bad guy because you made yourself that way.

Being the bad guy can be a lot of fun, you should try it sometime.

>I labeled you as a 'bad guy' because you pissed me off several times at
>the convention and on the forums.

The only person who can truly make you angry or yourself.

>"UNTIL TommyRude does something greater then ErMaC, then ErMaC > TommyRude." offense or anything but I don't think that'd be too hard. I haven't seen any of Tommy's video (that I know of anyway), but the ones I've seen from ErMaC...well...other than coming close to inducing an epileptic seizure from all the flashing they really weren't anything magical. Using pristine quality footage and knowing your way around Premier is only half the battle, you still need to have the artistic talent and emotional reasoning to spot good clips. I think ErMaC tends to lack in that area, I think because he's more analytically sided.

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Post by bloodyfang » Thu Nov 28, 2002 12:31 pm

why wouldn't you let this thread rest?

next he will be bringing back the kevin caldwell thread :roll:
An ocean of dust and randomly strung together pieces of hydrogen, serving no purpose other than allowing all of us to continue in our misery, doomed to an enternity of petty squabbles and meaningless ego trips, until the whole thing one day explodes and starts the whole shebang all over again. - Chaos_Angel


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