Psychological Questions[DBZ]

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Re: Psychological Questions[DBZ]

Post by Neverend » Mon Apr 20, 2009 8:47 pm

Cant say i liked it.

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Re: Psychological Questions[DBZ]

Post by commozee05 » Tue Apr 21, 2009 3:00 pm

AeoX wrote:
commozee05 wrote:
Vax wrote:The funny thing is it will :ying:
Maybe the more he realizes how much people hate this, the better his next video will be.
That would be true is he had said "sucks" and then gave a reason. Without giving a specific reason of it, the editor wont know what the problem with the video was, so therefore he is most likely to repeat his mistakes in the next video.
Well commozee05 he could have just said "Sucked" because everything needed to be said was already stated. still wasnt called for. Someone worked hard on a video and you just say "sucks". Kinda unnecessary.
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Re: Psychological Questions[DBZ]

Post by Kevmaster » Tue Apr 21, 2009 3:24 pm

But you do know that your reaction is exactly what he wanted?

Don't feed the trolls :roll:

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Re: Psychological Questions[DBZ]

Post by godix » Wed Apr 22, 2009 4:07 am

elcalavero wrote:If you didn't get the story by just watching the video, your right I fail as an editor, but this also depends on the viewer of the video. You should know this more than I do.


So the effects and text is what makes you hate this amv. After 10+ posts saying the same exact [Shit]. Im really surprised. :|
A story amv is presented in such a way that anyone can follow what's going on. No knowledge of the anime's plot, it's characters, or even any knowledge of anime in general should be needed. Anyone can view AbsoluteDestiny's Storytelling and follow the story being presented without knowing the source, in fact knowing the source slightly ruins it actually. OTOH to really get what you're doing in this vid the audience needs to already know who the characters are, who they're fighting, why they're fighting, and the general plot of the anime. Which means you're doing a character profile rather than a story vid. Normally this isn't a problem, but it is definately different than what you've tried claiming the video is. So those who bought your hype of 'hey, it's a story vid and original' watch it and see that it is neither a story vid or original. This is why people don't like it. That plus you're being an arrogant dick about it and, god bless the org, there's only a handful of people that can be arrogant dicks here without causing backlash.

That is why I hate it, it's just a character profile for a show that I don't give a fuck about. The effects and text kinda indicate it's also a bad character profile, but that's icing on the cake. The real problem with the video is it only has meaning or interest to those who pop a woody whenever they think about how totally kickass goku is and you don't seem to understand that you've limited your audience like that. You have a flat out wrong idea on what the video actually is to begin with as well as a rather overinflated opinion of it's quality or uniqueness.

Plus, of course, it sucks.

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Re: Psychological Questions[DBZ]

Post by Elcalavero » Wed Apr 22, 2009 11:09 am

Kevmaster wrote:
elcalavero wrote:
Kevmaster wrote:lol, this made me feel so much better about my own video.
You mean the previous video that had horrible [Ugly] red lines popping out of nowhere for no particular [GodDamn] reason?
I am not sure about which video you are talking about, but it is definitely not the one I am talking about.

As besides myself only 1 person has seen it thus far.
fair enough
Vax wrote:Elca, your critisism means shit to me :|
I guess I deserved this remark, This is what happens when I acknowledge someone's existence.
commozee05 wrote:
AeoX wrote:
commozee05 wrote:
That would be true is he had said "sucks" and then gave a reason. Without giving a specific reason of it, the editor wont know what the problem with the video was, so therefore he is most likely to repeat his mistakes in the next video.
Well commozee05 he could have just said "Sucked" because everything needed to be said was already stated. still wasnt called for. Someone worked hard on a video and you just say "sucks". Kinda unnecessary.
I think the Big Mac Aka (Exsphere) is friends with some people I responded to negatively on this thread/ he found it offense and responded with "sucks". The reason I say this is because he actually looked me up on the Tube to comment again. With the same response. On the same video. Same goes for ArashinomeAMV. Though ArashinomeAMV has a very good reason to commenting my video again. Both of you (Commozee05 and AeoX) are right [in a way]. I request no more comments from you guys (unless its absolutly nessacary ;P). Thanks, Commozee05 for your support. Even though it doesnt seem like I appreciate your help, I do appreciate it :up: .
Kevmaster wrote:But you do know that your reaction is exactly what he wanted?

Don't feed the trolls :roll:
godix wrote:
elcalavero wrote:If you didn't get the story by just watching the video, your right I fail as an editor, but this also depends on the viewer of the video. You should know this more than I do.


So the effects and text is what makes you hate this amv. After 10+ posts saying the same exact [Shit]. Im really surprised. :|
A story amv is presented in such a way that anyone can follow what's going on. No knowledge of the anime's plot, it's characters, or even any knowledge of anime in general should be needed. Anyone can view AbsoluteDestiny's Storytelling and follow the story being presented without knowing the source, in fact knowing the source slightly ruins it actually. OTOH to really get what you're doing in this vid the audience needs to already know who the characters are, who they're fighting, why they're fighting, and the general plot of the anime. Which means you're doing a character profile rather than a story vid. Normally this isn't a problem, but it is definately different than what you've tried claiming the video is.
I am not claiming anything. I never claimed that it was a story amv or a awesome amv, The only thing I do claim is that it is not as random as people say.
godix wrote: This is why people don't like it. That plus you're being an arrogant dick about it and, god bless the org, there's only a handful of people that can be arrogant dicks here without causing backlash.

That is why I hate it, it's just a character profile for a show that I don't give a fuck about. The effects and text kinda indicate it's also a bad character profile, but that's icing on the cake. The real problem with the video is it only has meaning or interest to those who pop a woody whenever they think about how totally kickass goku is and you don't seem to understand that you've limited your audience like that. You have a flat out wrong idea on what the video actually is to begin with as well as a rather overinflated opinion of it's quality or uniqueness.

Plus, of course, it sucks.
Im not trying to come off as an arrogant dick, Im just merely stating facts.

If you dont give a fuck about the show, why did you even download it? Lets get things straight, for one, I posted a Dot (.) as my description in this annoucement thread, that only alone should tell you "Dont Download this, its probably Crappy video".Not only that, I posted a LARGE poster for this video, which clearly had DBZ screenshots ( a show you hate).If your claim holds true, you also did not read the video description out of not being interested. So, why did you download it? You might say that you downloaded it/or streamed it because of the many responses I received but most were negative. That also should have pushed you away from watching this but it did not.I wonder, Did you feel like just bashing my video because I came off as an arrogant dick to you? or Did you just want to fit in with everyone else/ and or cause drama? It seems I am not the arrogant dick here.

I never wrote/ or expressed a opinion of my own video's quality/uniqueness. I dont know what the [fuck] your talking about.

It was a bad idea to [attempt] to place a story in a action-based video. Next time ill slow things down so your small brain can handle it.

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Re: Psychological Questions[DBZ]

Post by dreamawake » Wed Apr 22, 2009 12:10 pm


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Re: Psychological Questions[DBZ]

Post by DaCoolGohan » Wed Apr 22, 2009 12:32 pm

I can see what you were going for in this video but it fails at it. The connections between the past and the future aren't used well, there isn't a set up to switch between and it makes it really jarring. The quality wasn't that great and it is definitely cropped and off aspect ratio a bit. I also don't know what source you are using but it would have been nice to have seen it in 23.976fps properly de-telecined if it was in fact dvd footage. I also don't know why the audio sample rate is in 48khz when the cd was 44.1khz, its also a huge file size for being low quality, low resolution and short.

The video really didn't offer us anything new as far as DBZ goes and it wasn't all that enjoyable so I can't rate it highly, I'll give it a 2/5 for effort.
Video: The Samuel (Sam) Stewart James AKA NME Tribute MEP
Category: Action, Comedy, Drama, etc. (+7)
Anime: Now and Then, Here and There (Ima Soko ni Iru Boku), Blast Of Silence (Movie), Requiem for a Dream, etc. (+17)
Song: Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na), Sail, Get Alone, etc. (+1)
Artist: My Chemical Romance, Awolnation, Comeback Kid, etc.
Creator: DaCoolGohan and others (+6) (D-Zi-Er Studios)

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Re: Psychological Questions[DBZ]

Post by godix » Wed Apr 22, 2009 6:24 pm

elcalavero wrote:I wonder, Did you feel like just bashing my video because I came off as an arrogant dick to you? or Did you just want to fit in with everyone else/ and or cause drama? It seems I am not the arrogant dick here.
In order: yes, no, yes, the proper phrase is 'you're not the ONLY arrogant dick here'. Just because I'm one doesn't mean you aren't.
It was a bad idea to [attempt] to place a story in a action-based video. Next time ill slow things down so your small brain can handle it.
It's a good idea to put a story in an action vid. You just fail at it.

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Re: Psychological Questions[DBZ]

Post by Dr. Derpface, J.D. » Thu Apr 23, 2009 1:02 am

elcalavero wrote:I think the Big Mac Aka (Exsphere) is friends with some people I responded to negatively on this thread/ he found it offense and responded with "sucks". The reason I say this is because he actually looked me up on the Tube to comment again. With the same response.

<Fire_Starter> Stirspeare: college=failsauce?
<Stirspeare> Fire_Starter: Electoral college etc.

"Then you weeaboo faggots need to stop thinking that Japan is ZOMG awsmsauce where all ur waifu dreams come true."
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Re: Psychological Questions[DBZ]

Post by DaCoolGohan » Thu Apr 23, 2009 5:11 pm

Video: The Samuel (Sam) Stewart James AKA NME Tribute MEP
Category: Action, Comedy, Drama, etc. (+7)
Anime: Dead Man (Movie), P.O.S - Fuck Your Stuff (Music Video), Blast Of Silence (Movie), etc. (+17)
Song: Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na), Sail, Get Alone, etc. (+1)
Artist: My Chemical Romance, Awolnation, Comeback Kid, etc.
Creator: DaCoolGohan and others (+6) (D-Zi-Er Studios)


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