AMV's: Orthadox Editing Vs. Un-orthadox Editing

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AMV's: Orthadox Editing Vs. Un-orthadox Editing

Post by TwilightChrono » Fri May 15, 2009 11:58 pm

I started this topic because of a conversation in another thread, and I really got to thinking, what is everyone elses take on certain types of editing. Is there really such a thing as a proper way to edit and is there such a thing as a wrong way to edit?

I would really like to know everyone's opinion on this. And to stimulate this discussion I would like to quote a few phrases from that conversation. This thread is not meant to start a flame war. I would like to hear everyone's thoughts on editing in general. The below quotes are just meant to give you something to reference to. Feel free to provide examples of editing as well.

TwilightChrono Wrote:
Well, I don't know what to say. I'm just sick of getting all this advice from everyone, then when I finally use it, it's a "You can't do that" or a "It doesn't look right"

What happened to:

"Never switch from a high movement scene to a slow scene unless you can transition it well"?

Just curious because I tried my damndest to slow it down with smooth transitions to match the pace of the song and lyrics. I followed that advice to the "T" and here everyone says: "It looks weird" "You can't do that"

This is why I want to retire, because nothing I ever do, no amount of editing, or taking advice will ever make up for the fact that nothing I edit will apparently ever be good enough. Just seems like hypocrisy plays a big role here on the org. Apparently I'm losing because of the advice given here on the org. It's why I keep getting upset. Maybe I should just damn everyone else and do things my own way.
TwilightChrono Wrote:
Since when did AMV's become a thing for criticism. Most people just watch for pure enjoyment, while others watch so they can point out all the errors with it.

Basically, I'm saying that the org is taking a lot of the fun out of editing for me. Because nowadays you have to edit something just pure epic and awesome just to get any kind of praise on your video. Leaving newbies to editing somewhat in the dark, and it's not fair to them. All I've gotten recently is grief though.
Vivaldi Wrote:
You know, frankly I was thinking alot about that when I was rewatching some of you cascada beta's and some of your old stuff. You have a very unique style regarding hard cuts and external sync. It's not normal, but I always saw too much meticulous effort put toward it to say it's bad. I think your style really came into it's own with Memories Of Hate-Final Resolution. It had just the right mix of your style and conventional guidelines. At first I didn't like it because it didn't fit at all with my preconceived notions of how that song should be edited. But when I viewed it a week or so later with a more objective mindset, it was much, much better than I had remembered. That's when I realized that you weren't editing wrong, you were just editing your own way. I think from now you should just concentrate on perfecting your own style instead of bending over backwards to copy the "accepted" style of pretty much every other editor on the org.

This IC illustrates that perfectly. Hagaren's (no offense to Hagaren) was pretty, proper, and highly generic. But it did everything "right". Your's had mistakes, but I noticed every single cut you made. The editing felt more "vibrant" if you will. I wouldn't have been able to guess the exact tone of the video just from reading the description.

You've had your own style from day one, and I've seen it when it works. When other people try to correct you, they're trying to conform you to a generic style. Don't let them erase what makes your videos, yours. (I've been guilty of this in the past as well)

Also, damn near everyone else on the org is just as amature as you are. There's no big set of amv making rules everyone's keeping from you, so any advice they give you will 90% of the time be pulled straight from their ass. Take it into consideration, but don't let it guide you.
TwilightChrono Wrote:
I really don't think I should conform to traditional methods of editing. Cause then we all lose our sense of originality, and we can't really call our videos our own. I think that's the best way to some it up. What's wrong with having different styles? What's wrong with a little unorthadox editing here and there? Thank you Vivaldi. You really truly get it. Ahhh, man!! I feel so much better for some reason. I don't think I said what I wanted to say right though :sweat:

I think, when you watch an AMV, look at it from as Vivaldi said, an objective mindset. Think outside the perverbial editing box and try to feel what the editor wanted to do. I really don't think that there is a correct way to edit or an incorrect way, and I really think that sometimes, AMV editor's tend to forget that. I know I have on some occasions. Again, thanks Vivaldi.
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Re: AMV's: Orthadox Editing Vs. Un-orthadox Editing

Post by AaronAMV » Sat May 16, 2009 12:05 am


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Re: AMV's: Orthadox Editing Vs. Un-orthadox Editing

Post by Vivaldi » Sat May 16, 2009 12:09 am

I believe there are proper, tried and true ways to edit. But no single way. The approach should depend on the intended viewer response. If you want to create an immersive, flowing video. All hard cuts, all the time to static scenes, most likely won't do. But it can create a transcendent awareness and acceptance of a more artificial flow. To say how a person should edit, you should see what they're trying to convay in the first place.

And compromises generally create the best videos of all.
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Re: AMV's: Orthadox Editing Vs. Un-orthadox Editing

Post by LittleAtari » Sat May 16, 2009 12:39 am

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Re: AMV's: Orthadox Editing Vs. Un-orthadox Editing

Post by LittleAtari » Sat May 16, 2009 12:48 am

Before someone says this, I will:
AMVs are made for fun. You can edit however the heck you want.

It's true, but if you're editing and planning to show it to an audience and want them to enjoy it, that goes out the window. I make AMVs for myself first and everyone else second. I can be 'orthodox' or 'unorthodox' for myself, but for a general audience, I can't. If I'm working with someone, I have to compromise and so do they to suit both of our tastes. Everyone else is second and is therefore factored into how I make an AMV. If I can tweak something to make it so more people will enjoy it, I will.

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Re: AMV's: Orthadox Editing Vs. Un-orthadox Editing

Post by TwilightChrono » Sat May 16, 2009 1:12 am

I make AMV's for fun also. But I also believe that it is important to introduce the viewer to all different aspects of editing, not just a set way. If I don't think that my current editing style will suit the video, I change it so that maybe it might flow better. At most con's there is a wide range of editing styles in the contests and free shows, but most of them come from the same mold as that of here on the org. You don't see a lot of hard-cuts in editing, when I believe that hard cuts are also an important fundamental in editing.

There are some things you can do with hard-cuts that you can't do with just regular fading, flashing, masking, photoshoping or otherwise. They bring a kinda flavor and a in your face POW at times that the usual flare doesn't really do. Isn't being surprised in an AMV important too. Like a "Ooooo, I've never seen that done before"

Almost all AMV's nowadays contain masking or photoshopping, and make it very hard for people who don't know how to do that, to get anywhere in a Con AMV Contest or otherwise. As stated, you have to make something super epic and bad-ass to get anykind of good feedback from anyone here on the org. Well, something along those lines. Every video I have seen on the org is either critisized or flamed out of existence, which isn't the idea behind watching an AMV.

When was the last time you watched an AMV just to enjoy. And to not think in the back of your mind while watching that the video could use some work, here and here? When was the last time you watched an AMV with an empty mind? Or just because you were interested. Personally, I think a lot of people have lost sight of this.
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Re: AMV's: Orthadox Editing Vs. Un-orthadox Editing

Post by Qyot27 » Sat May 16, 2009 1:21 am

My focus and sense of flow is restricted primarily to what looks good to my eyes and awareness of rhythm. I'm sure I've probably done a transition from high-motion to low-motion before, but I'm not in the mood to go rewatch my videos and see how many times it's happened.

People do get accustomed to certain commonalities amongst the most popular videos around here, which makes others imitate it all the more. But the real difference lies not in the framework a video a constructed in, but how well someone can pull it off. This goes for both standard-fare editing and those that take a less stringent approach to it. It comes down more to scene selection, IMO, than how closely one can get to the popular templates.

I'm reminded of a conversation in one of the forums some years ago, in a discussion on 'Emo' (I refuse to acknowledge modern crap with that genre title, hence the quotes), and the one thing I remember is that a reason given why it gets annoying to some people is because the singing can be atonal. Don't ask me to try and really pick that assertion apart for accuracy, but it's somewhat relevant toward expectations of an audience. Obviously, for whatever reason - corporate or not - some people love it. Quite a lot of others despise it. But is it really a judgment call on how to do the music 'right' or not, or is it due to individual taste?

Wait...are we just talking about videos not using crossfade transitions or being suffocated by fancy effects and eye candy?
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Re: AMV's: Orthadox Editing Vs. Un-orthadox Editing

Post by godix » Sat May 16, 2009 1:24 am

TwilightChrono wrote:Is there really such a thing as a proper way to edit and is there such a thing as a wrong way to edit?
Yes. To be honest though, it isn't worth discussing on the org. Those who don't already know why the answer is yes would never understand no matter how much it gets explained. So feel free to ignore them and believe it's all just personal taste. Or, alternatively, pick up a fucking art theory book sometime.

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Re: AMV's: Orthadox Editing Vs. Un-orthadox Editing

Post by TwilightChrono » Sat May 16, 2009 1:28 am

Wait...are we just talking about videos not using crossfade transitions or being suffocated by fancy effects and eye candy?
We are talking about all editing in general. From each person's style, sense of editing, editing ability, what most people consider standard and non-standard or orthadox and un-orthadox editing, what people prefer all the way down to AR and the lowest common denominator.

Anything that you think relates to this topic.
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Re: AMV's: Orthadox Editing Vs. Un-orthadox Editing

Post by TwilightChrono » Sat May 16, 2009 1:32 am

TwilightChrono wrote:
Wait...are we just talking about videos not using crossfade transitions or being suffocated by fancy effects and eye candy?
We are talking about all editing in general. From each person's style, sense of editing, editing ability, what most people consider standard and non-standard or orthadox and un-orthadox editing, what people prefer all the way down to AR and the lowest common denominator.

Anything that you think relates to this topic.
Pick up a fucking art theory book sometime.
Why should I follow a set of rules laid out by some guy so many some odd years ago? We get too caught up in expectations and in ways that things should be done, that we don't seek out newer ways to do things. And don't sit there and tell me that there isn't any because that's bull. It's called adventure. It's like a game of hide and seek. You look for something that works and can appeal to people. Or find something that you can make work in your own way. What about ignoring all those damn text books and doing something your own way for once, instead of adhearing to some rules or traditions or ways of doing things that were set by someone else. Become a pioneer yourself and find new ways to do things. THat's what I've been trying to say and do.
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