Other than 2 .wmv technical difficulties during the 1st screening of the Contest, and a speaker issue during the second screening of the General Screening, everything went very well, I think.
Thank you very much for sending in your work. I have decided that AnimeNEXT is a worthwhile convention, and I plan to stay on for next year. All of the rule and restriction kinks will be worked out. I am also going to release the restrictions on AMVs to pretty much be as high quality as you can make them. Basically, if you and a few other people you know can play it on your computer, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to as well.
1280x720, 60FPS, any compressed format, any audio type. AMV winners will be played on DVD, so a lower quality version will either need to be submitted ahead of time, or they will be scaled down to high quality MPEG-2s.
I was also very surprised by the voting results. But, that's why it's open to the public to decide instead of a few people. 3 of my favorite videos in the contest were neither 1st or 2nd place.Scintilla wrote:Many categories this year presented some difficult choices. It turned out that, out of six categories, only one of the videos I voted for won. So, I'm hoping that ReligionX will provide vote percentages for the winners and runners-up (and ONLY them -- I don't want a repeat of the Otakon 2008 results post) when he makes the official announcement.
I don't know why there are so many Dramatic and Action AMVs. I did not put a single Upbeat or Comedy AMV into the General Screening unless the editor submitted 2 AMVs. Next year, I am going to try for 5 genres, if I can help it, but I may have to have more Drama / Action / Romance / Sentimental again. It was a pain to put those AMVs into their genres.
Action - More action than a Drama based story.
Sentimental - Less-action based / less-romantic Drama.
Upbeat - More upbeat than action, romance, or drama, and not comedic.
Drama - More story driven than the Action or Sentimental category.
Romance - Romance and coupled relationships.
Comedy / Parody - Anything that is intentionally comedic or parodying something else.
-Tom Callahan
AnimeNEXT 2009 AMV Contest Head