Hey smart guy. Guess what?deuceloosely wrote: The Power Rangers vid was funnier but yours was absolutely more annoying. The song itself is pretty monotonous and repetitive by midway through (it's in my mp3 library somewhere, and I'll be damned if it isn't stuck on a loop in my head now). Personally, I think this "Torture" category should remain with up to five entries and be distributed as was during the contest: in between categories.
THERE WERE ONLY TWO VIDEOS. Not even 5 which would be your "limit" you propose here.
Not sure what you're complaining about as I think a load of people misinterpreted of what Torture videos were. Personally, I had to roll my eyes at both, so they did what they did; tortured me.
deuceloosely wrote: I wasn't convinced that the category would work but it was executed right, and now I believe (aaaaaaaaa-men! ). Please for to consider keeping it?
I heard that there wouldn't be one but I don't know...D:
deuceloosely wrote: Aside from the special categories and awards, I saw plenty of evidence to support our decision at NekoCon's AMV contest to take general category voting out of the viewers' hands. They'll decide Best in Show but we're making sure nothing is miscategorized and that the playing field is leveled by having a panel of unbiased judges decide the winners.
So wait..
Just because YOU didn't like what was shown and because YOU disagree you feel a false sense of security thinking "Man I sure do feel superior that my staff handles everything better because the viewers aren't really doing anything except juding ONE category! Awesome!"? Are you really....that egotistical?
In one way I see you being a complete douche. Can I call you doucheloosely?
Okay so here's the thing douche...
If you only have one category for people really to vote, what much incentive is there for anyone to stay at the contest? Someone who's easily bored could just simply write a number/name of who they're voting for just to get out but anyone *myself included* who comes to a contest and sees multiple categories that I'll be voting for "best of" makes me want to stay to see the rest.
WOW IT SURE IS LOLOPINIONS IN HERE!deuceloosely wrote:The results? Oh, a trailer that was semi-amusing won for Comedy because that's the category it was in. A dramatic video which largely lacked action won the Action category. My initial choice for Drama didn't win but it took a second look at the winner to understand why it won. And for once I actually enjoyed the Romance entries (wonderful piece, Jaddzie, and congrats!). While I would have rather seen the "Russian dance" video win for Upbeat, the winning entry had all the special effects and extras one expects within this category.
A trailer that was submitted was funny. Loads of people loved it. People love One Piece and people love movie-trailer-parodies. Get over it. When concerning that Gurren Lagann inspirational AMV, I was told it'd only make sense for something immensely loved (I think that "We Need You" video was favored) to win the entire show (Best in Show), and not just that category (Comedy). Maybe they had to move it down to ALLOW something like that video to win the entire show so that it wouldn't win Comedy? I mean I can't imagine the guy who has to deal with knowing his video got beat by another video that (would have) won two categories, "Best In Show" included. I'd be going "What the hell does he need two awards for? He won Best in Show, why should he get Best in Comedy too? That's basically winning it twice!".
See my point?
...and wait..
Wait...an AMV with LARGELY lacking action? The Claymore video? Haha...you're not serious are you? Oh wait, you are? HAHAHAHAHAH. Hellooo-oooo? THERE WAS A GIRL WHO WAS BEHEADED NOT EVEN HALFWAY INTO THE SONG HOW IS THAT NOT ACTION ENOUGH? Just because it's an Action AMV doesn't mean senseless violence HAS to endure all the way throughout, and I think a lot of people noticed that. Maybe you just need to get your head out of your ass. Or get a less biased opinion, I'm not sure which.
You sure talk like you know how the judges think. Why is that?deuceloosely wrote: But the thing that nailed it for me about "one viewer, one vote" was how the Best in Show award was explained. First of all, Vlad totally delivered with his entry. I voted for the "Killer Tomatoes" video to win Comedy but, as it was told, Vlad would have won that category by popular vote but was only awarded the Best in Show, making the actual 2nd place vote-getter the category winner (the trailer). The runner-up (actual 3rd place) was "Lollipop"...poor Alucard. Had judges been in charge of voting, I'd have to say the trailer would have been looked at as just that, Alucard might have won, and "Killer Tomatoes" would have made runner-up.
Anyways that "Killer Tomatoes" video was funny.................for about the first minute until it died down. The song or the video itself presented little to nothing extra throughout the rest. Sure it had its moments but I do notice that a lot of what people found "Funny" is the majority of the audience who voted for it were old and could relate to the original movie with said theme.
I heard the reason being a lot of this was done (with the multiple winning bit) that controversy keeps getting spewed about *at AMA* either the audience or the judges being biased *or other slander being spread* when it came to voting. I mean if that video won both categories don't you think people would start going "It just won because it's Gurren Lagann and the host himself is a cosplayer for a Gurren Lagann character" or so forth and so forth?deuceloosely wrote: But the bottom line is this: the decision to not allow Vlad to win both category and Best in Show not only nullifies democratic vote but goes against past years when the awards were given to who won them, regardless if they won multiple awards. If a video is that good and everyone agrees, the decision shouldn't be negated because the fans thought it deserved those honors. For this reason, if the fans happen to agree that their choice for Best in Show was also our choice to win a category, so be it. The video was that good.
All I'm saying is that tons of crap can happen and people spout useless banter that hurts people and reputations so maybe the judges considered that and made it easy for EVERYONE to win something.
Again, if Vlad understands that by winning "Best in Show" that he won the WHOLE CONTEST then maybe he won't be pissed about not winning Comedy. I doubt that by his humor in the video that he'd be pissed at all. Unlike yourself it seems.
Because you know...that only makes sense.
...uhm.deuceloosely wrote:Never mind the fact this system will take the rabid fangirls out of the equation. It's been made evident that any video with overt yaoi references, no matter who is being shipped, will do well because of them. This way, a more stable curve is maintained. Also, since there's a substantial amount of dissension among the viewers on who "should have" won and why based on their personal criteria, a panel of judges will balance the scales for them. The yaoi fangirls won't have to hate the critics and the AMV editors won't feel like they'd been snubbed because they didn't choose the popular anime or song for the time.
Did you NOT see that the very video that had Yaoi in it had Yuri as well and several accounts of clips being hinted at shown ecchi? Everybody gets a taste of fanservice, why are you complaining? Personally all you are doing at THIS point is shouting "Waaaa they pulled the Yaoi fancard now the video I wanted to win won't win because editor X did that waaaaah!".
Also, it's more than just having a popular song to make something work. I think that was very apparent in this whole contest as I saw it.
Yeah.....I don't buy you saying "don't mean to sound harsh" when you just wrote a very polite post hinting at yourself REALLY going "F*** all of the winners" even though I could be wrong on some things.deuceloosely wrote: Just sayin'. I don't mean to sound harsh but some things just struck me as "off" this year.
Anyway, congrats to the winners. And Vlad...excellent PSA! Has it been posted anywhere?
I doubt it.