AMV Salad 3: next stop - NekoCon 12...

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Re: AMV Salad 3: CLOSED for post-production

Post by Squancho » Mon Jun 22, 2009 12:16 am

Here it is...the first of a series of response summaries for AMVS3. You might be surprised at the results. Starting with the AMA "beta test audience,"...

1. Decent laughs for ""
2. Good response for "Hold the Door."
3. "Pirates" surprised people because Harlock was used.
4. Good laughs for "I Wanna Destroy You."
5. "Fish Tank" was a favorite.
6. First text bumper got good laughs.
7. "Mudkips" got laughs.
8. Fantasy Viewing Schedule got cheers!
9. "Annoying" gained more favorable response and laughs the longer it went on, mainly because Linkin Park kept coming up on the list.
10. "Fail Hard" was a hit. The Intel thing at the end really drove it home.
11. The Wall-e clip got laughs.
12. "Don't Like Mondays" got some "OMG" and WTF" gasps.
13. "Excel HeadOn" did well, especially the Ilpillazzo twitch.
14. "Death Note Building" drew good laughs.
15. "FMAttell" was a BIG hit!
16. The Gundam "...awesome!" clip was a good draw.
17. They liked the Beck clip.
18. Another big hit (no pun intended) was "Because I Got High."
19. "Fruits Wearhouse" was a pleaser.
20. Viewing Schedule ("These are all lame") drew some agreement.
21. DBZ epic ending was also a favorite.
22. People were snapping along to krvabo's production tag. ;)
23. Everyone still laughs about maru-sha's production tag.

Everything else got an average response of assorted chuckles and snickers. No one left the room, even for the closing credits. I've found that the main part of our audience is made up of hardcore AMV watchers. This is good because they wait to see what anime was used in each clip when it's something they may not be familiar with. This project is reaching its true demographic in a good way.

krvabo: please for to re-encode your clips for me? I really think I'd like to have working copies of those to replace the obviously defective video. Make sure, though, that it's not the source video itself (not the anime, mind you) which is the problem. If it came straight from DVD - not downloaded - then it probably is a problem with encoding.

I haven't heard back from Otakon about switching out for the cleaned-up AMVS3. It won't surprise me if they say it's too short on time until the showing but we'll see...
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Re: AMV Salad 3: CLOSED for post-production

Post by Gaelstrom » Mon Jun 22, 2009 3:00 am

I admit, the 'Annoying' clip response surprises me a bit, but I realized it's mainly because I stopped reading since it was painful for me. I still believe it's very important to try and fix the text up if we can, but if it still lands as you say, then I'm very happy. I don't really care how it's funny, I just want it to be funny for them ^^ On a related note, did the artifacting text and such not cause as much problems on the big screen? (I still think we should fix the dance loop in 'match' though, I think it'll get a slight boost to laughter without that distraction)

And I gotta say thanks a lot. I can't believe all nine of my clips got a good response, so I'm very happy about that. The only two things I really would like you to do for my clips is the test pattern after Fish Tank cutting it off a half beat after it like I mentioned, and I really would appreciate, if you haven't already, quickly syncing up the Death Note building dialogue to the mouth flaps in hopes of the Otakon switch. My friends who beta'd for me saw an older version that had off audio and agreed it harmed the joke. If it causes syncing issues elsewhere for whatever reason, just cut off some of the beginning establishing shot. Hehe, and if you care to wade into the credits briefly, I think you'll get another quick laugh potentially if you change the "Heero is insane!' title to "An Heero" for the /b/tards out there.

And I'm glad your bumps did well too! I still believe those small changes I mentioned will draw in a little more of the audience, but I am glad it was favorable for them.

Sounds like things went pretty well. I hope Otakon will respond favorably. Isn't all you need a new DVD that you can drop off at the start of the con and replace the old one and be done with it? If not, I'm game for some ninjutsu to replace them secretly if you are ^^

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Re: AMV Salad 3: the tour begins at Otakon

Post by Squancho » Mon Jun 22, 2009 2:13 pm

This video is over 21:30 in length.

I'm rendering a new copy to mp4.

I'm looking at the resulting file size.


Is it typical for something of this size to come out under 100mb?
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Re: AMV Salad 3: the tour begins at Otakon

Post by Gaelstrom » Mon Jun 22, 2009 3:34 pm

Judging solely by the fact that 24-minute fansubbed anime is often 170 megs, I wouldn't doubt it, but that's my only reasoning on the matter. Also, I dunno if vegas does this too, but in After Effects if I render in mp4 it shifts the audio a bit (hence why I had to use premier to re-allign it for the ones I sent). I reeeeaaally wish I knew why the hell it did that.

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Re: AMV Salad 3: the tour begins at Otakon

Post by krvabo » Tue Jun 23, 2009 11:12 am

MP4-encodes can be smaller (110MB for 20 minutes CAN look good), but with the many color and scene changes the encode should not be smaller than let's say, 180-200 MB.

Annnnyway, the encodes I sent you a while back weren't sufficient then?
The 2 clips I remade should be good, but the re-encodes might still be a problem.

The problem might then still consist in:
- Gunther (but I hope you have removed that one)
- What if god was one of us.

If you encode it in huffy en then use it in the editing program, do the ghost frames still come up?
Otherwise I need to remake the entire clip from scratch, and I don't even know if I've still got the source files (anime) :P
Might make it a bit shorter then to get to the 'joke' faster.

If I need to remake something, I'm listening :P

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Re: AMV Salad 3: the tour begins at Otakon

Post by Squancho » Tue Jun 23, 2009 4:32 pm

If you haven't already done so, you all need to check your "Member Main Page" for confirmation that you are part of this project. So far, on;y two of the eleven have responded. Get crackin', kids...
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Re: AMV Salad 3: the tour begins at Otakon

Post by Gaelstrom » Tue Jun 23, 2009 7:12 pm

Just confirmed it.

Could you tell me if you've to done any of the changes I asked for like the Fish tank test pattern and audio sync? Also I forgot to include the removing of the 'mac and PC' text from the To Heart clip now that it has the Intel logo to make it a commercial. If the Intel logo carried the joke on Saturday, I'm certain it's because the Mac and PC text prepped everyone subconsciously for Multi's crash and ruined some of the impact. The Intel logo should be icing, not the joke.

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Re: AMV Salad 3: the tour begins at Otakon

Post by Squancho » Tue Jun 23, 2009 8:39 pm

I'm such a doofus.

I forgot to tell y'all...

we has mp4 download!

I have time between now and whenever to tweak the video further if it's absolutely necessary, but it looked better from DVD through a projector and on TV than it did on my computer. And no apparent sound / video lag after render...
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Re: AMV Salad 3: the tour begins at Otakon

Post by Gaelstrom » Tue Jun 23, 2009 8:58 pm

I thought you wanted to wait until after Otakon to post it on the org so it would only be available there for its initial viewing other than the beta on Saturday?

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Re: AMV Salad 3: the tour begins at Otakon

Post by Squancho » Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:35 pm

Gaelstrom wrote:I thought you wanted to wait until after Otakon to post it on the org so it would only be available there for its initial viewing other than the beta on Saturday?
I eventually decided to show the org as a beta test before showing it in public anywhere. Had I not done this, I would have continued to wander aimlessly with the encoding and other issues that existed. This place is very useful for finding advice for cleaning up potential visual disasters. Anyway, I was more concerned about parts of this thing going to a public place like YT before post-production, never mind the big premiere. But you can't DL a good copy from there. Anyway, anyone who gets the Salad from here and enjoys it enough will attend a screening with lots of others if it's at their convention...
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