The thing I think separated the current clip the most from the source is you don't hear the 'I'm on a boat' refrain at first, which would add a bit more time of course, but make the clip unmistakable. As well as solidify the subject, since recognizing the 'boat' aspect took until near the end of the clip if I hadn't heard the song before. Works for those who know the clip though, definitely.
I tend to want to see One Piece done to it just a tad more than Gurren Lagann for a full length one ^^ It's probably the only other anime with a crazy enough style that has gangsta shots of the characters to pull it off... not to mention the boat. After listening to it, I immediately started mapping out the timeframe for modeling all of the One Piece crew and ship and animating them at certain sections. ...the scariest part is it wouldn't take that long

And they're some of the simplest characters out there. 'Specially when putting Nami and Robin in bikinis, an idea birthed thanks largely for your 'starboard bow' footage choice. Hehe, I really want to try it, but it'd definitely be time. Same with finding any one piece footage that isn't hard-subbed early on between DVDs released and when everything went MKV.
Course the real challenge would be to find out what would work well for 'Space Olympics' or 'Like a Boss'. Initially my guess would be Abenobashi Space episode, the Excel space clips, Cowboy Bebop, and Outlaw Star for the former, and Golden Boy as my starter for the latter. If I find that the clip has potential when I put some serious thought into it, I think I'll do a small Golden Boy 'Like a Boss' section next year.
Although if you guys like this idea for next year's credits, it'll be... a decent amount of work to make:
The Family Guy "Bird is the Word" clip gave me the idea. Deuce, how do you feel about doing a "Where the Hell is Matt?" parody (check j00tube if you haven't seen it) using that character's freaky dance loop in random locations in various anime as next year's credits (Full song or almost full song, since credits are about that long anyway, only problem is where production tags would go)? The hardest part aside from coming up with fun locations (around 70) is getting the footage which in most cases can be still frames screen-capped. And of course if I want to be completely insane, make looping masked gifs of any dance I can find for a 'crowd'. It'd totally be a project-wide thing that everyone could contribute to like location ideas or footage, but it'd have to be aligned early on with everyone's wishes.