Let's Try it Again: Who is Kevin Caldwell Round 2

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Post by Declan_Vee » Sun Dec 01, 2002 9:05 am

Where is Kevin? Well this is what I've heard anyway...
Shortly after finishing "Beleive", he developed a severe eating disorder (he got big) and decided never to show his face in the crowd again. He moved to Australia under the name of Big Kev. Quickly missing being in the spotlight, and started selling cleaning products. Now he's a very successful buisnessman who never referrs back to the days of AMVing. Well in the words of Big Kev...
<a href="http://www.bigkev.com.au"><img border="0" src="http://www.geocities.com/declan_vee/temp/bigkev.txt" width="297" height="228"></a>
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Post by Declan_Vee » Sun Dec 01, 2002 9:10 am

huh?, yes I've forgotten most all of HTML. Tries again.
<img src="http://www.geocities.com/declan_vee/temp/bigkev.txt">
<a href="http://www.bigkev.com.au">Big Kev</a>
Ok... If that didn't work I've truely lost it.
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Post by Chaos Angel » Sun Dec 01, 2002 10:37 am

The forums uses BBcode. There's tag buttons up top. But, to do images, i'ts like this.

[img]URL to image[/img]
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Re: Let's Try it Again: Who is Kevin Caldwell Round 2

Post by Machine » Sun Dec 01, 2002 1:34 pm

y2kwizard wrote:I am still in the dark as to who Kevin is

*Begins claps and chants

OVER-RATED! :roll:

Comeon say it with me!!!

OVER-RATED! :roll:


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Re: Let's Try it Again: Who is Kevin Caldwell Round 2

Post by mexicanjunior » Sun Dec 01, 2002 1:37 pm

Machine wrote:
y2kwizard wrote:I am still in the dark as to who Kevin is

*Begins claps and chants

OVER-RATED! :roll:

Comeon say it with me!!!

OVER-RATED! :roll:

:lol: Whatever dude!!! I remember when you praised "Believe" like there was no tomorrow and hosted it on your site. :lol: You've turned your back on an icon of your youth! :o

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Post by Dannywilson » Sun Dec 01, 2002 2:36 pm

What are you talking about MJ! He's still in his youth!

But anyways I liked kevin's videos, and still show engel and believe to people new to AMV's occcasionally, because they may not be the perfect videos, but they are good all around.
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Post by y2kwizard » Sun Dec 01, 2002 4:04 pm

It seems to me that Kevin is overrated by some but does get the respect he deserves by others.

Someone is overestimating Kevin when he says something like "OOOOOO MY GAWD Kevin is an AMV GOD!!!111 He roxxorz more than ANY maker EVAR!! I have a SHRINE TO KEVIN in my bedroom closet cuz he is SOOOO 1337!!!!11"

On the other hand, many people I've talked to have this opinion of Kevin, and they seem to give him the correct amount of respect he should get: "Kevin is a very talented editor. He was very talented in developing a concept and sticking to that concept. His editing skills seem advanced for someone who is seemingly new to the AMV scene. He seems to have one of the best senses of timing of the AMV editors that I know."

It all depends on who you talk to. But ONE fact remains: Kevin Caldwell is a talented editor who EVERYONE thinks is at LEAST a good editor, if not superb.
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Re: Let's Try it Again: Who is Kevin Caldwell Round 2

Post by Machine » Sun Dec 01, 2002 4:43 pm

mexicanjunior wrote:
:lol: Whatever dude!!! I remember when you praised "Believe" like there was no tomorrow and hosted it on your site. :lol: You've turned your back on an icon of your youth! :o

Hell no! I lvoe him mroe than ever! I just liek to poke fun of him since hes like God.

Kevin always listens but never answers his followers.

Or maybe he does in those supernatural AMV ways of his! :P :D :lol: :shock:

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Post by Castor Troy » Sun Dec 01, 2002 9:44 pm

Memories will soon get the recognition it deserves....

hehehehehehehe....HAHAHAHAHAHAH! :twisted:
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Post by Ashton » Mon Dec 02, 2002 3:26 am

Ok, if some overate him, and some underate him, I want to know where I stand, and where you do.
Because I'll be honest, I think he is the best this community has ever had to offer. Some may simply scoff at this notion and I CHALLENGE you to prove me wrong. If one of you is hiding a creator in a cage in your room more talented, expose them to us all, so I can no better. But untill then, let's look at the stats, who has higher stats them him consistently on all of the ratings on this page: no one! Even if you would reject those kinds of stats, you might look at his bating average at cons (previously explained in this thread), it's almost unbeatable. And don't pull anyof this "Stats and numbers mean nothing to me because I am an Arteest!" BS, we're talking about entertaining content (in the general comunity sense), something that we all share at least basic notions of.
So who is it that is honestly better, and why?
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