by TwilightChrono » Tue Jul 07, 2009 3:07 am
Sweet. thanks.
Also, regarding your avatars. If you guys also have a certain image you want used like a hq cg pic of the character in your avatar, let me know and send me the link to it and I'll be sure to use it. Just thought I would put that out there.
Also, the credits might extend into track 2. I'm already running out of space in track 1, so I might have to call part of track 2 or the whole track 2 as well. It all depends. If worse comes to worse than I might just have to make the opening credits less flashy.
You know what? I'll just go ahead and edit into track 2. and when I finish I'll send the link to everyone in the MEP and let them decide whether they want it that way or whether I just need to shorten them or not. I'll leave the final decision up to you guys. I'll send you all the link when I'm done.
Kenzichu, I can't find that pick anywhere. I am going to need a bigger version of it or you will have to send me a different pick you want me to use. I have everyone elses, sooo yours is the only one keeping me from finishing it.
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