CrackTheSky and friends continued to write wrote:
Page 73
copycat: long-ass summary
scott green: no cheatcodes allowed x_x
Bauzi: what cheat codes? Legendary thread is legendary
Kariudo: recovering from computer problems
guy: I'm not drunk all the time
Page 74
copycat: text looks bad
Bauzi: I was thinking of "Rape me with pink scissors" ^^
greggus: Don't be happy, be Gateway
Niwa: Mr.Green is stalking me O:
Betas posted and reviewed
Page 75
guy: omega has a stalker
pryzm: I'm no stalker
greggus: DIE STALKER!
WC: You fail at encoding
scott green: I FAIL AT ENCODING
Niwa: *grabs the whip*
Kariudo: You can't improve on dvd quality :\
Page 76
Bauzi: You can improve it every time
copycat: THIS message is going in the quotes
Crack: I don't know who I'm sending those messages to
guy: stupid post about deleting a less stupid post
scott green: WC is lazy
melee: I'm not dead (yet)
copycat: you've been replaced by a robot
Page 77
melee: get your robot friend to make you some waffles
greggus: Group Hug!
everyone: I
this thread
WC: waffles ftw, end of story
Page 78
guy tries to start a coup
Bauzi: banners with bunnys on are our flag of victory!!!
Everyone: happy birthday guy. CAKE!
Page 79
scott green posts recipe for delicious cake
guy: i haven't touched my piece in weeks ... >.>;
everyone else: lol innuendo
Page 80
omega: repost the mix pls
WC does a little work
greggus: beta for Christmas
Page 81
Kariudo: failing at editing
scott green: another mep finished...we haven't made any progress
Kaxi plays starcraft
Bauzi: I´m a bad bad Bauzi and I play Starcraft. Now come on and spank me very hard baby!
guy: drunk again
Page 82
Christmas! (again)
greggus posts a not-gateway video
copycat: happy new year! free ops for all!
Bauzi: Happy new year. Let´s finish something >_>
Page 83
guy posts non-gateway video
guy: triple post
Kariudo: using Last Exile now (screw AMG)
Crack: I am the most kickass MEP coordinator ever.
Everyone: x2
Page 85
guy: Maybe we should rename it project GAYway!
Crack: deadline = April 1 (no joke.) Will boot after that
Code and Chii sign up as backups
Page 86
omega: could this be? the project will be finished this year? =O (2008)
Kikai: will it ever get done? nobody knows...
scott green: omega is making a dbz track
omega: I don't have dbz
Kaxi: Then you better start downloa... oh ... buying the dvds man
Melee birthday
Page 87
Niwa: Is there a problem here?
guy: Danzeth isn't out...
scott: Danzeh, not Danzeth
guy: backup editors? moar liek scavengers
guy: blows everyone's minds
*chii becomes corrupted*
copycat: chii is jailbait...RUN!!!
Page 88
Iliea: Can I have it?
Moonie: Yep
Yue: Chii x Yue. Jailbait x Jailbait
Zetzu = backup?
scott green: reposts the mix
greggus: we could make 2 gateways with all of our backups
Kevmaster signs up as backup
Page 89
Kikai: Yer avatar sucks, ben
WC: x2
Crack: I like it
melee: it sucks less than your old one
Kikai: Ben likes underage girl porn
Chii: Ben's avatar should've been nekkid chii
Page 90
Kariduo: Kariudo demands moar hawt avatars
guy: Betas?
Bauzi: Remember when we found out Niwa was a boy?
scott green: wut?
Page 91
Omega birthday
Chii eated the cake
Page 92
Now nobody gets cake
Sky: Pas I love you
Page 93
Neverend: Niwa is a girl
much gender confusion occurs
Crack: Don't start another grammar argument
WC: Me is a apple-cinnamon waffles
Page 94
ReXMaster joins as backup
Kaxi: I'm a cow
neverend: this thread is like a forum all by itself
guy: (to Kaxi) move to India, become God, ????, profit
Page 95
greggus: MEP = member of the European Parliament
scott green: Niwa, pick up the soap for me
Niwa: not falling for that again
Page 96
Ghet joins as backup
Crack reuploads the mix
Bauzi: let's get back on track
omega: there are lots of lurkers...I'm not special anymore
Crack: wtf is a boochsack?
Page 97
Kariudo: BETA!
everyone else: it's better
Crack: ACen deadline April 29th. Catch my drift?
Kariudo: where are we going to get that much peanut butter?
Page 98
Bauzi beta + review
Page 99:
Arashinome: I want in
Chii: I want in moar
Arashinome: poppycock
Chii: poppycock yo face... chii...ka...BOOM! HEADSHOT
scott green: why does everyone want to be in?
Page 100
WC: wtf am I doing again? waffles ftw
Crack: posting in epic thread
guy: boobs usually get people motivated
scott green: Too lazy to use English anymore -_-
Page 101
scott green: post #1500
melee: greg is a lying liar who lies
scott green: waffles ftw, end of story
Kikai: DAMMIT I missed page 100
WC: 101 is a pretty cool number too
Page 102
scott green: I ate Niwa
Kariudo: new ftp
guy: why do I always kill the thread? Tacos might be a good alternative to nothing
greggus: we want this to be "Gateway"
copycat: wtf does that even mean?
Page 103
greggus:Your best shot is just repeating "GAAAAATEWAAAAY" several times.
copycat: Nevermind, I figured it out."Project Gateway" is an anagram for "Get a Jar-Top, Wyce."
gerggus:You should work in more of those opening doors into your project. That would be very Gateway :O
Kikai: happy singles awareness day
Crack: I hate this holiday
Moonie: Roses are red
Violets are blue
You guys hurry up and finish this prpject
or you all suck!
I know that last part didn't rhyme
but moonie doesn't give a..???
Page 104
Melee can has girlfriend too
Kikai: I has girlfriend *YURI*
guy: where's Danzeth
Crack: you mean Danzeh
guy: I'm canadian, so thats 'Dance, Eh!' To you
Page 105
guy: Every beta now comes with a hot beef injection!
everyone: random lies
guy is drunk again
Page 106
Bauzi: Let´s make "drunk like Scott" to a phrase like "I blame Greg" ^_^
copycat finishes non-gateway video(s)
omega: hay guys wuts goin on?
Niwa: we're all being GAY as usual
Kariudo: I've done gateway editing
guy and WC: I know not of the editing of which you speak
Kariudo: I'm not going to grace this douchebaggery with a response
melee's head asplodes
guy: word of the day is "douchebaggery"
Page 107
supersayian313 joins as backup
scott green: when's the deadline
Crack: April 1 (still not kidding)
copycat weeps at the prospect of making another summary
Kevmaster: If you Guys actually get this done before SOAD, I will definitally kill myself
Page 108
scott green prepares the knife for Kev
Niwa: Bauzi just called me a fag |: and now greg is the ass pirate chief
Kikai: Gateway or GAYway pic
Crack takes it like a man from WC
Ingow: This is officially the best project now
Page 109
Yue makes "Crackerz the catcher" and "WC likes it on top" commemorative avatars
side note: guy finishes "teh hawtness" on Valentine's day...also not-gateway
Page 110
guy unlocks achievement "Serial thread killer"
copycat bestows the title of Mr. Guy McDeadthread unto guy
guy becomes confused as to the true meaning of Gateway
greggus reassures guy that his segment is already very Gateway
guy gropes greggus
Page 111
Kariudo: all in favor of turning WC into a cyborg say AYE
everyone else: AYE
Yue points out that cyborg-WC's thrusting will kill Crack
Page 112
backups are still vultures
editors: confusion over project specs
Page 113
Bauzi points out that guy might suck at typography
guy is drunk again
Page 114
Niwa: Free tickets to Sweden O: anyone ?
Neverend: ohshit my coffee got cold ;_;
moar betas
Page 115
ihavethedeathnote joins as backup
guy fails at project specs
Kaxi's beta = win
Page 116
Det-chan dropped, Chii makes it to the starting lineup
Chii: I got boobs
Kevmaster: I have boobs too
omega: Boobs are a lie
Page 117
omega: can't believe this whole thing is going to get finished soon (March 2008)
welcome to chii
Kariduo: new beta *prepares for the hate*
other editors: actually like this one
Page 118
Kariudo: got into guy's pants
guy: Kariudo, stay out my damn pants!
scott green drops, CodeChrono replaces
Page 119
Bauzi is angry
Niwa offers group hug
Crack: new deadline April 8 (2008)
Kariudo: we're still finishing before soad2, dragonforce mep, WFAT and a few others
WC: Awai is so much better than away =|
Page 120
Beta discussion
Bauzi: Project Gatewai?
Page 121
ZOMG! an entire page of ON TOPIC DISCUSSION
Chii uploads her bewbs and guy says Penis
Page 122
guy: I thought the text looked fine...
Bauzi suggests that guy sucks at typography again
Guy officially has a horrible sense for typography
Page 123
melee: I thought we were done discussing proper english
Chii: It sucks being the only girl in this project =\
Crack's beta discussion
Page 124
Bauzi: This isn´t testosterone. It´s gay-testosterone :O
guy: I don't like the way you tease me with your modern booty dancing, then refuse to sleep with me.
Page 125
YES!!! this time the ENTIRE PAGE IS ON TOPIC (beta discussion)
Crack rofls and Kikai declares that "it" begins
Page 126
fun with the April fool's avatar switching
Kariudo's final turned in
Page 127 does this avatar switching joke work?
Page 128
betas n such
Page 129
Kariudo: Lol Canada
Page 130
copycat: I'll be ready to send a nice, pretty final Friday morning.
...Gord willing.
Kariudo: Ranger Gord?
Page 131
dramaz + betaz
Page 132
Bauzi: sexy slavemaster with the strawberry-candy-whip
omega: if Niwa is my sex slavemaster and you are his sex slavemaster, that makes me the sex slave of the sex slave
Niwa: I am weak against strawberry-candy-whips
Kariudo: Algebra for sex slaves
Page 133
greggus: making this the best project possible
Kevmaster: it already is
Kariudo: Let's get copycat to do a massive thread summary for our outro
Guy07 dubs the project as "Project GAYWAI"
Page 134
more beta disscussion
Crack: 2000th post bitches
ZetZu: now the thread has as many posts as the year we're living in O:
Page 135
greggus: Hopefully, the views are the project completion percentage
Kariudo: Gateway is 96103% complete
Page 136
everyone misses Bauzi's Birthday, cake is served
Page 137
Bauzi: Who wants to be my late birthday victim?
more cake is served
Moonie: Chii ate the color off the plate too
Page 138
Kikai misses Bauzi's birthday even more than the rest of Gaywai
everyone thinks the project is ending
Page 139
Kikai Birthday
Mr. Guy McDeadThread kills the thread again
why is this not done yet?
Page 140
Gateway's birthday nears
Ghet: pre-emptive NOM NOM NOM
Page 141
cake, liez, yer face, yer bewbs and calculus
copycat: copycat has run out of copy
Ghet as official lurker?
Page 142
Crack Birthday
Page 143
Kariudo: real lurkers become editors and make little track babies for the project
Mr. Guy McDeadThread kills the thread again
guy: Hey, here's a good joke: How long does it take 12 idiots to make a crappy 6 minute mep?
Page 144
Nobody works on nothin no how never
Gaywai gets gayer
Page 145
Gateway's Birthday!
copycat: long post that nobody reads
Page 146
guy: W00T! I'm jail bait!
Crack: Let's get this done for AWA expo, K?
Melee: who replaced me?
copycat: we still have the waffle-robot's number
scott green: waffle robot makes good waffles
Page 147
Kaxi quits making amvs, gaywai becomes a very sad panda
Page 148
guy: status?
Moonie: I ate Icecream
Crack: editing for pro
Page 149
Crack: Everyone gets to reupload their finals (minus Kaxi and Kariudo)
everyone else: lolwut?
Page 150
Bauzi: Yeah I´m a bastard. My mom is human and my dad is a lolcat.
guy: I'm sexier than females
Kariudo: I challenge you to a sexy-off
Page 151
Brad: wtf?
Code: gateway...It's everything but the MEP it's supposed to be.
Crack: progress?
Page 152
guy both confirms and denies that he and code are still sexy as hell
guy: We are so going to get done before SOAD2
Niwa gets new pants
Page 153
Kariudo hands out candy whips
copycat wants wild raspberry candy whip
chii wants cake candy whip
guy is drunk again
Page 154
greggus disappears
Code: We have a new goal. We have to beat Basshunter to release. :O
Page 155
copycat: How do I make fun video?
Code: Holy crap. I actually thought that was Koop. :O
copycat: What do you mean? I is koop. |: See?
guy: scott, get out while you still can
Page 156
Real life calls, greggus drops, Arashinome replaces
melee: no more double Eureka 7
Arashinome slaps gateway around a bit with a large beta
Page 157
guy's ftp ftl
project name change proposals: Project Skirt, Project GateSkirt
Page 158
More Ara beta
guy: Large thread is too large
TwilightChrono: hay guys look back at page 42
scott green: I'll just wait for the summary
Page 159
Niwa flirts with Bauzi
Bauzi knew it was a trap
Niwa: what's a trap
guy: When she says she's 18 but turns out to be 15 ...
Ghet: When she says she's 18 but HE turns out to be 15 ... fix't
Page 160
OnyX DragoN tries to steal trax
Kariudo: Sorry OnyX...trax are for kids
Niwa: Let's go for a boat ride!
Page 161
Waiting on melee and WC
much procratination occurs
Page 162
someone gives us a beta using Eureka 7
guy: have some shiny balls
Bauzi: Mhmm... shinny balls.. nom nom nom
Page 163
guy: y'all're player haters, drugs are for motivation and did somebody say helicopter?
Pages 164-170
lasers, copyright issues, not going back to page 45, flames, crushed hopes, desu, taking too long, there is no MEP, pizza, mudkips, everything comes from /b/ tards, is it the middle of November yet?
WC drops, OnyX is in
Page 171
everyone gets used to the new forums, but it doesn't cure AIDS
Page 172
Chii: OnyX gives his computer an STD?
melee: It started with the usb adapter
Kariudo: shoulda used a firewall, Universal plug and play isn't safe
OnyX: should I be worried about electrical discharge?
Page 173
Meat Mix request
TwilightChrono joins as backup
Bauzi reuploads the mix
Page 174
Let's play a(n) (a)rousing game of Bash the Mac
melee: So can we have a 2008 release, or is that too big of a Christmas wish...
Page 175
copycat: What's all this then?
guy: It's a thread that needs a summary update
Page 176
much innuendo
Page 177
Guy's birthday (again)
Chii om nom noms herself
Page 178
much ado about balls
Project GAYWAI Thread
Stopped being straight when CrackTheSky clicked on the New Topic button.
Stopped using proper grammar after we looked at a helicopter
melee: Progress? THIS...IS...GATEWAY
Page 179
melee: Oh wait, we accepted backups who only promised "to sometime work on them at an indeterminable point in the moderate future with no promise of completion"... very "Gateway"
At what point does this become "not funny" anymore?
Crack: About 170 pages ago
Christmas (again)
Page 180
everyone gives up
new year's eve (again)
Page 181
guy: our last two tracks are cursed
melee kills the thread
scott green: SOAD2 or Gaywai? Place your bets please!!!
Page 182
copycat: Q: How many Gateway editors does it take to screw in a lightbulb? (answer in spoiler tags)
Page 183
everything is a joke (including Gateway), Kikai works on Gayway poster #2
Mr. Guy McDeadThread kills the thread again
Page 184
Bauzi haet you all
Page 185
no progress, gaywai gets ever gayer still
Page 186
guy's summary: Gay comment. Gay picture. Gay reply. Everyone drops and the world ends shortly after.
Crack declares open season on the remaining tracks GOGOGO!
Page 187
Scotty wants a hug
Kari wants a beta
Copy wants a beta hug
gay page is gay
Page 188
TwilightChrono gives beta
Page 189
Aforementioned beta has AR issues
Kikai: whoa, is this actual video talk goin on in this thread? O:
Page 190
TC's beta decided not to be a whore and refrained from going around all of gateway
Dark_Insight joins (kinda)
Page 191
melee: forward, down, down-right, punch
TC's track disappears from his editing program
curse of the last two tracks (4 and 6) continue
TwilightChrono: It'll be funny when this gets done and people will be like "we waited three fucking years for THIS?!"
Mr. Guy McDeadThread kills the thread again (Killing Rampage)
Page 192
Crack gets in the mood (to edit again)
Mirkosp: This project will never end and you know it
Page 193
Gateway's Birthday (again)
Hasteroth earns an internet high-five
editors are paranoid and keep their tracks/clips
Page 194
Bauzi: Gateway jokes are old and annoying
Page 195
scott green receives beta of finished gateway
guy: DO WANT!
Kariudo: checks the date
melee kills the thread
Page 196
melee: mix request
waiting on TC and track 4
Kariudo reuploads the mix
Page 197
TwilightChrono: mix request
Chii: symmetry
Febdash provides beta for track 4
guy: shit might actually get done ....?
Page 198
Kariudo: are we missing track 12 too?
ZetZu joins as backup
Niwa raeps his/her friend Chili until they agree to edit for us
Page 199
Fleskmos (aka Chili) provides beta
Page 200
Crack loses track of who is in and out