-Reda- wrote:This thread
Wow, the org is full of assholes.
anthonypokemon wrote:
plz rate it and plz no negative comments
I wouldn't confuse negative with constructive. Think of it like this: When you show something here on the org that you've made, consider them to be a sample TV audience. If they boo, ask them what they didn't like. If they did like it, ask them specifically what it is they liked about it. Most comments here seem to be "Not my cup of tea", "Didn't enjoy it", or "This is terrible". They could also of course be in a more positive light like "good job, great work" etc. It's your job as the poster to press those responses further and ask exactly what it is they mean. Don't consider these comments to be "negative", but rather an opportunity to learn more about what it is your viewing audience wants; as an editor thats your job. If you don't care to entertain others and simply pursue this hobby by yourself, don't feel the need to show anyone else your work, thats your choice.
Honestly this video didn't bother me all that much. There were some technical issues that I noted from the Preview version, like the aspect ratio being wrong and some blended frames, but those are simple technical issues. I would definitely advise learning about those things before your next video. Like you said, this is your first AMV in two months, no need to just sit around those two months and do nothing. If you don't feel motivated to actually edit something, theres always the option of learning more about editing itself. This will help keep the hobby fresh in your mind and keep you active in it.
I liked the subtitles because it did make this almost feel like an advertisement for Naruto or a mock opening; if this is what you were going for then I can say you started to pull it off pretty well. I'd recommend better text or motion for your subtitles though, play around a little bit more and be creative if you're going to include text in your video, just slapping it on there doesn't really ever look good. Also, if the almost trailer feel is what you were going for, then you need to vary up your scene selection more frequently. Action scenes are cool, but maybe juxtapose those with shots of the characters themselves either going through a struggle, developing, or even just standing there. You need to capture the characters you're illustrating in their entirety, not just their more bad ass moments in the series; its cool but its not as entertaining to watch as a video that has all of those elements and not just the fight sequences.
I hope this information was constructive and not "negative", and if you'd like to respond to anything I've said in this post or further explain what it is you're trying to do, you're more then welcome. I'll keep my eye on this thread.