Ingow wrote:You don't need a woman for sex tho y'know...
That said, I do find this thread somewhat ironic. I mean, it really sucks for the creator and I would dare say it seems like he was targeted for his celebrity status. Sadly, this happens with a lot of people and I've personally known people who got burned in parasitic relationships like that. But what strikes me as odd is, well, considering the over-dramatic nature of a lot of relationship-oriented anime, not to mention character archetypes that are far, far meaner than you'd expect real women to be - and yet otaku are fawning over them...
I don't know. I think presenting this as a case of 2D vs 3D is pretty darn weird.
The Birds are using humanity in order to throw something terrifying at this green pig. And then what happens to us all later, that’s simply not important to them…