a lot of way below average videos tbh, i was being really leniant on scoring for the most part.prYzm wrote:good god i was in the middle? but my vid was so..... plain. not poorly edited i guess, just plain
guys i am disappoint.
a lot of way below average videos tbh, i was being really leniant on scoring for the most part.prYzm wrote:good god i was in the middle? but my vid was so..... plain. not poorly edited i guess, just plain
OtakuGray wrote:Sometimes anime can branch out to a younger audience and this is one of those times where you wish children would just go die.
Stirspeare wrote:<Stirspeare> Lopez: Vanquish my virginity and flood me with kit. ["Ladies..."]
harshness! attack those videos with your rage.Ghet wrote:a lot of way below average videos tbh, i was being really leniant on scoring for the most part.prYzm wrote:good god i was in the middle? but my vid was so..... plain. not poorly edited i guess, just plain
guys i am disappoint.
fuck spelling =|NerdStrudel wrote:then why be "leniant"?
U said u made it in an hourHaze. wrote:I feel pretty good considering I edited 3-5 hours with a deadline of two-weeks.
I wasn't spelling correcting you. I was literally asking why be lenient? there is no good reason to ever be lenient really. You should give these people all real scores and tell each of them your opinion about what they did right and wrong.Ghet wrote:fuck spelling =|NerdStrudel wrote:then why be "leniant"?
what i meant to say was lenient
and cause i didnt feel right giving 70% of the videos 60s and below on the first round, figured chez would do that well enough as it is.