Unable to open .avs files in virtualdubmod

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Unable to open .avs files in virtualdubmod

Post by wilLAG » Sun Oct 18, 2009 9:20 pm

All I want to do in VDM is to make clips out of my AVI episodes (I used AllToAVI to change .mkv files to .avi). Following the information someone pointed out here, I made a script in wordpad that says:

Code: Select all

AVISource("C:\Users\Willow\My AMO\Anime\Princess Tutu\trans\Princess Tutu - 09.avi")
I saved it at the address "C:\Users\Willow\My AMO\My AMVs\Load Tutu 09.avs". I open VDM, go to Open video file..., select it, and it pops up with this message:

Avisynth open failure:
Script error: syntax error
(C:\Users\Willow\My AMO\My AMVs\Load Tutu 09.avs, line 1, column 1)

I then try a different approach. I go to Open video file via Avisynth..., select Default (AVI Source), and then select the file (Princess Tutu - 09.avi) at the address given above. However, another error pops up and this one says:

Avisynth open failure:
AVISource: couldn't locate a decompressor for fourcc h264
(C:\Users\Willow\My AMO\Anime\Princess Tutu\trans\Princess Tutu - 09--default2.avs,line 2) <-- after the 2nd time I tried this approach.

I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Why would I need a decompressor for h264? I'm selecting the .avi files I made from the .mkv h264 files with AllToAVI, not the originals.

Thank you.

Note: I installed AMVapp twice b/c running the tests gave me failures, but after looking up a thread on the forum I've found that they just don't work in Vista.
"Sometimes, a willow faces a strong and forceful wind. It bends and some of its beautiful leaves may be blown off, but it doesn't break. It blends with the power of the wind and ends up stronger for it." --Yume Kazerei

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Re: Unable to open .avs files in virtualdubmod

Post by mirkosp » Sun Oct 18, 2009 9:42 pm

For starters, there is a new guide: http://www.animemusicvideos.org/guides/avtech3/
Second, instead of changing the mkv files to avi files, you should just load them directly in avisynth with ffvideosource (the plugin comes with the new amvapp).

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Re: Unable to open .avs files in virtualdubmod

Post by wilLAG » Sun Oct 18, 2009 10:43 pm

mirkosp wrote:Second, instead of changing the mkv files to avi files, you should just load them directly in avisynth with ffvideosource (the plugin comes with the new amvapp).
You mean I can upload the .mkv files, select the clips I want, and put them out as .avi clips? I'll have to read up on it more closely later. Thanks.

Will keep updating as I go along.
"Sometimes, a willow faces a strong and forceful wind. It bends and some of its beautiful leaves may be blown off, but it doesn't break. It blends with the power of the wind and ends up stronger for it." --Yume Kazerei


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