Didn't really intend it to become a comic, but it just happened, I guess.
u_queen wrote:Glad you liked them. I think the same about your outfit, it was something I copied from a magazine but it really didn't looked like you. I would like to see some sketches of you (specially for knowing what do you have in mind with goth style).wurpess wrote:ZOMG!!!! *SQUEEEE!!!!* XD*^_^*
Uhm...chainsaw...maybe I'll stick with the mallet. And about the device, I love the idea of using doujinshi (you even gave me ideas for some special techniques).
For never drawing EVER, this is very goodDar wrote:Spoiler :
Calm down, he's added. There's actually of few more people needed to be added to the list, I'm just being lazy.Mr Pilkington wrote:Pie still hasn't been added to the guest list?
But he's an integral part of my project
I'd be willing to do it, if you're okay with crappy quality. I mean, you'd probably be better of with Microsoft Bob's text to speech editor played reversed and inverted through stock iMac G3 speakers submerged in castor oilwurpess wrote: and 1 maybe.
and when you mean more, does 20 seconds count?L.Fist wrote: (excluding 8bit, he has to do more)