Alright 1:
You are correct sir. She is going to be more annoyed than me that this isn't finished. She's tired of me sitting at this damn computer working on it more than I've spent working on her........Was it really ever a question that TC was going to postpone his wedding? The impression that I got from what he said just made it sound like she would be annoyed with him, not that they were moving the wedding on account of a cartoon video.

My sentiments exactly. For those of you who are expecting an Ayumix/Elysium type of outcome for this are going to be extremely dissapointed. If I wanted this MEP to turn out that way from the beginning, I would have asked for way more than 6 months for completion, and wouldn't even be close to done by now if that was the case. But...this MEP is not Ayumix OR Elysium. So, for all the whiners from outside the MEP. Tough Shit. Deal With It. And GTFO.And one more thing to anyone outside this mep. It ain't gonna be Ayumix. We all edited to the best of our ability. Not everyone can overload on AE FX and make it epic looking. So if anyone has a problem with it, then don't freaking watch it That is all. Sorry, I'm in a mood right now. I'm tired of sitting back and being so nice about things. Those are my thoughts, deal with it. <<
Well, if you had no plans to edit for the MEP, then you shouldn't have signed up. YOUR only goal was to postpone the MEP since you never responded to any of my PM's or responses in the thread. This MEP doesn't concern you.I saw the leaked beta compilation and I really think you guys need to suck it up and just work on it longer. It really looks mediocre so far. Really glad I didn't wind up editing a track for this.
I gave them the time they needed. And I get payed back with procrastination. Which is why this took a whole year. The tracks weren't that long and could have easily been finished in the original alotted time. So, when giving them what they wanted didn't work. I got strict....and look at all the nice shiny work that got done. We are almost done. Makes me wonder what we could have got done if I would have gotten strcter sooner.Also I'm just saying you need to find a balance between being strict and giving people the time they need.
Fuck No.Could we get 15 more days to work on this?
It get's released either tomorrow.....or in 6 more days. Depends on how much work I see getting done.
As for the hands transition to track 4, I WISH there were more frames but sadly, there aren't. And you really like that damned eye transition from 4 to 5? I thought that was one of the crappiest transitions I put in there. Well, It's time for me to get back to Work/Editing on CascadaThon. Any questions and concerns should be addressed now.