Wow someone takes a hobby pretty far -coughs--Reda- wrote:Wow, what an utter waste of 5 minutes. And the sad part was it actually felt longer. This really was just disgusting, unoriginal, and uncreative as hell; I really don't understand how you can comfortably take introductions from other animes and force them up with completely different sources, and ones that don't even come close tone wise either. I looked forward to "Appreciating each editors unique style" but there's nothing unique here at all; love the Project Relic rip off track too by the way. Disgusting.
This MEP is a joke; it's like everyone had ADD and just threw happy anime girls to whatever the fuck they wanted. If that's what you want to do with your AMV, fine. I respect your ability to make that aesthetic decision. But you will get shit for it even if I'm the only one in here barking about it. This is a disgrace, it's boring as holy fuck, and smacks of every other video I've seen and soon forgotten. The only reason I remember I even watched said horrible videos in the first place is because of the same generic "bad taste" they all leave in my mouth after another group of fuckwads decides to force a series of colorful anime girls down my throat by the truckload.
Though it made me interested to download this because of the comment. And banner looks good o:
Edit: Well, as a MEP I don't really like how it was pulled off together, because I was expecting more of something done by everyone and not random things with different tracks (when it's not even a mix). Also I don't see the much the point on it, but I still got to admit some tracks are pretty nice and good eye candy. Ergo Proxy track was interesting o:
So yeah this isn't really my taste and I didn't enjoy much, but still congrats for the work you had editing it. =)