Below is my off the cuff idea on how it should be covered. If you know of existing faqs for these subjects, please link them. I know some of them offhand. Others I know exist but would have to search for them. Still others I probably don't even know exist. I also need suggestions on what else to cover, or what I mentioned that perhaps shouldn't be covered. Perhaps some ideas for a better name than 'fucking noob faq' would be useful as well.
Break it into two sections, for viewers and for editors. Viewers should be first since most people with an account on the org are not editors. The list looks long, but for most of these topics a couple sentences and a link are probably all that's needed
Forums & PM system
Banner creation (or should that be in some other section?)
Donation and donation perks (perks mentioned elsewhere should also be marked as such there as well)
How to find AMVs
Top 10% lists
Top star lists
Recommendation forum
Announcement forum
- Quick search
- Super search
- Suggestion Queries
Viewing vids
How to download local, direct, indirect
Programs/codecs to view downloaded vids
How to make a video
Read <a href=>ErMaC & AbsoluteDestiny's Friendly AMV Guides</a>
IIRC Scintilla has a guide on AVIsynth filters that's more indepth
The various video forums
Kionon's So You Want To Be An Anime Music Video Editor? thread and my So You Want To Be A *GOOD* Anime Music Video Editor? thread
How to upload
Orgs rules on uploading
Basic FTP instructions
Acceptable pimping
Announcement forum
- Preview embeding
- vidid
- vidlink
Sig banner