Unitfort wrote:Littleatari sounds like a stuckup nosey bitch. Aside from that the podcast did not spark any interest on my end. It ran too long and not to the point.
LittleAtari wrote:Calling me a bitch is arashinome's schtick
Unitfort wrote:Littleatari sounds like a stuckup nosey bitch. Aside from that the podcast did not spark any interest on my end. It ran too long and not to the point.
LittleAtari wrote:Calling me a bitch is arashinome's schtick
(LittleAtari to Me): "And ask everyone else to not respond to negative comments like that so that the thread doesnt get derailed"-Reda- wrote:Unitfort wrote:Littleatari sounds like a stuckup nosey bitch. Aside from that the podcast did not spark any interest on my end. It ran too long and not to the point.LittleAtari wrote:Calling me a bitch is arashinome's schtick
As far as I know there will always be a guest/interviewee (the editor of the video that's being talked about obviously), but I believe the interviewer is going to change each week for the sake of keeping things fresh. LittleAtari will still be there to move the conversation along and run this, since it's basically her thing that she wanted to start. I'm not sure much is set in stone yet though, I'd talk to LittleAtari about that. Any suggestions or ideas for future AMV Review Podcasts can be posted here though, I'm sure she'd be receptive to them.Code wrote:Oh hey, I meant to ask if ya'll have a idea of how often ya'll will be doing this or if you'll have guest people like Chii in the future.
1- This is not a DZ Studios Podcast. Reda and I did make a similar podcast reviewing two competing videos on YouTube a few months ago. That podcast was a DZ podcast, but this is something separate that I'm running.nommay wrote: I think this is the second DZ podcast that I've heard that's actually about shit. The other also featured...yup, Atari and Reda
2- I'll be opening up another thread posting details and asking for feedback about this. I'm hoping to aim for a twice a month thingNiotex wrote: In all seriousness it was interesting to listen into. Very interested to see what more this will all bring forth. Any idea on what kind of format you're doing? Weekly/2weeks/month etc?
3- As well as I work with Reda, he will not be in every podcast. As Reda stated, I do intend to switch out the interviewer for every podcast based on the video we will be discussing. This wont be the last time we see Reda in a podcast though.surfsama wrote:Great idea for a podcast. Make this a permanent feature - it really helps to hear the people behind the printed word.
Reda would make a good host.