The Otakon 2010 Thread (OK now panic)

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The Otakon 2010 Thread (OK now panic)

Post by VicBond007 » Sat Mar 13, 2010 12:17 pm

Hooray, Otakon! It's over!

Thank you all for coming, and thank you all for not killing anybody during the fire alarm. I look forward to the many "Ice cold water! And it's only one dollah!" remixes that should hit the 'net in the next few days.

For overflow, if you didn't show up and request your video to be played, chances are very good that it wasn't. I think after we got through all the "requests", we only aired 5 more videos to fill the time. Understandably a lot of creators couldn't make a noon time-slot on Friday. Boo programming! But hey, at least we got something and it was in Video 1 to boot.

I hope you all enjoyed the creator badges. We sure as hell don't enjoy making them but it's the least we can do :asd:

We got 2,828 ballots back this year, so you can see why I was a little worried about getting them all counted in time for Iron Editor. Epic props to JP and the rest of the counting crew for typing the skin right off their fingers.

Here are some of the cooler things that people wrote on the backs to keep us amused:

The unofficial list of AMV contest results on page 32 is correct, so I'm just going to link the post: ... 3#p1337123

I also want to add that "BEST OVERFLOW" was awarded to everyone in Overflow, so fight amongst yourselves as to what you want to do with the trophy. I can hold onto it, chisel it into tiny pieces, mail it to Programming, whatever.

Here's the ballot for those who couldn't be there:

Chris Brown won Iron Editor, so now he has to come back next year and defend his title. I'll give the videos to the creators sometime soon, it'll be up to them to post them. BTW, the secret ingredient was Training with Hinako. Props to Outlawed for bringing it to my attention. I've been sitting on it for two years waiting for the right opportunity :twisted:

Here's the new artwork that was set up outside of Iron Editor. Rinny did a bang-up job with this one, especially since the new Error-chan was re-drawn like, 20 times :o Hopefully we'll see more sexy Iron Editor cosplays now ;)

Old stuff below this line

I'll be using this thread for all questions/issues with the Otakon contest this year, for the sake of keeping everything in one place, so check back regularly. If there is a major change, I'll do my best to change the subject title or something.

The rules are finalized and available here:

Those of you who submitted early, your entries will be tested this weekend regardless of whether they came in the mail or through FTP.

Big notes for this year:
1) We have web-based FTP. It is available through your FTP User Control Panel once you log in using the credentials that get e-mailed to you. It will only work on files under 2GB in size. It won't even list files over 2GB in size, so if you're sending something huge, stick with a real FTP client.
2) There is no maximum time limit this year. We tried this at AUSA a few months ago and not only did the long-ass video make the final cut, it won in it's category. We'll see how things work with a larger convention, but I'm not anticipating any real problems.
3) Hungary has been added to the country selection drop-down.
4) Added a line forbidding videos that were in previous Otakon contests from being resubmitted. This only pertains to videos that made the FINAL contest. Videos that were submitted a previous year that only made overflow are welcome to be re-entered.


We received 136 "valid" entries this year. A valid entry, is one where we received both the video, AND the form. We received 144 forms total, and despite pestering e-mails and forum posts, 8 videos either never got to me, or never finished uploading (And I don't mean a few seconds on the end. I'm talking 4 seconds worth of video uploaded and then abandoned). Said entry forms were deleted. Also, those of you who sent in a video, won a contest elsewhere, and then sent in a non-winning replacement video, your original entry form was deleted before this final count, so technically more than 136 video were processed :shock:

FINAL DQ VIDEO LIST - People who were disqualified for rule violation.
- (animemental1 studios) :: Subtitles.
- Michael Wolfe :: Subtitles, Subtitles everywhere.
- Nima Ghasemi :: Copyrighted logos gone wild.
- Studio Hybrid :: Won everything ever, or at least close to it.
- Dragon/Roy :: Won at AMA.
- GuardianoftheKnight Productions :: Watermarked footage.
- Obscure :: Excessive violence.
- Faith Perez :: Watermarked footage.
- Maj1nVeg3ta :: Watermarked footage.
- Kosmit :: Excessive buttsechs.

Everyone else should have gotten a confirmation e-mail by now. Check your spam folders. In addition to our addresses being managed by gmail servers, the automated e-mails are sent from my own server, so there's a high chance it can be flagged for spam :uhoh:

Video Changelog (AKA: Why don't I get a confirmation e-mail the very minute my entry finished upload?!)
This year I decided to log all of the changes that I made to submissions. This happens before you get the e-mail saying that your entry "tested fine for playback", meaning that in reality, it tested fine for playback AFTER I did stuff to it. I did this because while I rarely post on the .org anymore, I do lurk the contest forums and there are too many contest coordinators who take the "get video, play video, earn badge" approach to contest management. This is why Otakon doesn't get the "my video looked like crap" posts after the con. That, and hopefully this will explain why your 11PM-Sunday-night e-mails of "OMG DID MY VIDEO WORK FINE?!" went un-replied to ;) Just because I had to fix a video, doesn't REALLY mean it's 100% the creator's fault. A lot of it is just because "that's how things are stored nowadays" and they just need some fixinating to play properly on our setup. Still, to keep things anonymous, I'm only listing the entries that needed work done to them, and I'm listing them by video-ID, which not even the entrant has access to.

133 13.46 fps. WHYYYYY. Encoded to 29.97 letterboxed mpeg2.
18 427x320, 35.921 fps. Why. Encoded to 29.97 mpeg2.
84 4:3 video inside of a 16:9 mask? WHAT HAS SCIENCE DONE? Fixed bad crop. Encoded mpeg2.
54 Applied adaptive deinterlace and scaled down from 1440x1080.
116 Converted quicktime to mpeg2.
123 Converted to 16:9 and recompressed mpeg.
134 Converted to 16:9 from bad 1:1 crop. Encoded mpeg2.
93 Converted to 16:9, performed IVTC, recompressed mpeg.
121 converted to 16:9. Shrunk video levels. Deinterlaced to avoid scaling artifacts. Encoded mpeg2.
74 Converted to 29.97 mpeg. 32 fps? WHY?
72 Converted to interlaced mpeg.
112 Converted to mpeg from DV. Shrunk video levels.
107 Converted to mpeg from mp4.
163 Converted to mpeg from mp4.
79 Converted to mpeg.
118 Converted to mpeg2 from mp4.
119 Converted to mpeg2 from mp4.
82 converted to raw avi. Decimated framerate. Shrunk video levels. Encoded mpeg.
34 Corrected aspect ratio. Encoded mpeg2.
41 Cut beginning. Encoded mpeg from avi.
95 Encoded 16x9 mpeg.
137 Encoded 4:3 video from 1:1 mpeg4 (even though it was named "mpeg2").
132 Encoded as 16x9 mpeg2 from mp4.
14 Encoded mpeg from 720x540 source.
57 Encoded mpeg from DV source.
50 Encoded mpeg from mp4.
98 Encoded mpeg from mp4.
102 Encoded mpeg from mp4.
144 Encoded mpeg from mp4.
92 Encoded mpeg from quicktime. Scaled appropriately.
45 encoded mpeg from wmv.
114 Encoded mpeg from wmv.
68 Encoded mpeg.
120 Encoded mpeg2 from avi.
103 Encoded mpeg2 from DV.
147 Encoded mpeg2 from mkv.
167 Encoded mpeg2 from mp4.
139 Encoded mpeg2 from mp4.
153 Encoded mpeg2 from mp4.
165 Encoded mpeg2 from mp4.
111 Encoded mpeg2 from wmv.
140 Encoded mpeg2 from wmv. Expanded video levels.
43 Encoded mpeg2.
20 Expanded video levels. Removed intro. Removed credits.
27 Expanded Y start point to 47 and encoded new mpeg.
31 Fixed aspect ratio. Encoded mew mpeg.
151 Fixed bad crop. Shrunk video levels. Encoded mpeg2 from mp4.
141 Fixed bad crop. Encoded new mpeg2.
157 Fixed bad crop. Re-encoded mpeg2.
142 Letterboxed and created new mpeg2.
149 Multiplexed video from m2v/ac3.
9 No aspect ratio flag. Converted to 16x9 mpg.
87 no audio, email sent. Received corrected version. Subtitles. E-mail sent. Second correction received. Still had subtitles/logos. DQ for subs/logos.
162 Re-encoded as 16:9 mpeg.
99 Re-encoded mpeg with shrunk video levels.
26 Really bad audio. E-mail sent. Updated video received. Created mpeg2.
124 Recompressed for 16:9 aspect (cropped off bad borders). White levels are hot, but black levels are fine (did not change)
130 Recompressed for 4:3 and shrunk video levels.
64 Recompressed mp3 audio as mp2. Flipped field order. Safe zone problem. E-mail sent. Corrected version was even worse. Using the original.
115 Recompressed mpeg with shrunk video levels.
125 Recompressed mpeg with shrunk video levels.
166 Scaled to 16:9. Encoded mpeg2 from .mov.
49 Shrunk color space to proper levels. Encoded mpeg.
128 Shrunk color space, applied IVTC, recompressed mpeg.
53 Shrunk color space. Encoded mpeg.
86 Shrunk level range. Re-encoded mpeg.
77 Shrunk video levels and re-encoded mpeg.
138 Shrunk video levels and re-encoded mpeg2.
148 Shrunk video levels and re-encoded mpeg2.
91 Shrunk video levels. Cropped 16x9 mask off.
71 shrunk video levels. Encoded mpeg.
155 Shrunk video levels. Fixed bad crop. Converted to 16:9. Re-encoded mpeg2.
143 Shrunk video levels. Recompressed mpeg2.
56 shrunk video levels. Some clips are wrong aspect, some are correct. Did not correct aspect. Recompressed with tmpeg (CC was glitching).
150 Shrunk video levels. Fixed bad crop. DQ for logos.
135 Shrunk video levels. Re-encoded mpeg2.
156 Shrunk video levels. Re-encoded mpeg2.
96 subtitles. E-mail sent. Received corrected version. Resized to 16x9.
80 Subtitles. E-mail sent. DQ for subtitles.
52 Subtitles. E-mail sent. Received corrected version.
83 Subtitles. E-mail sent. Received corrected version.
73 Subtitles. E-mail sent. Received corrected version. Flipped field order.
25 Updated song tag.
13 Video was 1:1. Encoded to mpg properly. Fixed levels.
24 Way wrong aspect. Sent e-mail. Received corrected version.
42 wrong aspect ratio. Bad profile (MP@HL). 976Kb VBV buffer size?! Re-encoded mpeg2 with correct aspect and MP@ML profile.
21 Wrong Aspect. Re-encoded to 16x9.
117 Wrong aspect. Recompressed to 16x9 after cropping 1:1 borders off. Applied IVTC.
12 Wrong aspect. Scaled to 720x540 then cropped to 720x480. Re-encoded mpg.

What's Next?
Next weekend we'll tie a bunch of people to sofas and force them to watch every video in it's entirety. The videos will be rated on a scale from 1-5, videos in the "undecided" category will be categorized, and more videos might be DQ'd if we catch anything. Then we'll play Rock Band and try to forget everything we just went through. The video's average score will be used to help pick out the finalists. After that, I mail a DVD of the potential finalists to our lawyer so that he can look them over and see if there's any good reason that we could get in trouble for showing something. Once I hear back from him, THEN the finalists will be announced.

I'm cool and sent in a video, what do I get?
Everyone who sent in a video and was not disqualified will get 3 "leet seat" badges. These are not Otakon membership badges! They are passes that are reusable all con-long, and allow you to skip the line before the AMV Contest/Iron Editor, and entitle you to the "bitchin' seats". The 3 passes are so that you can take advantage of these passes and still sit with your not-as-cool-as-your friends ;) The way to get these badges is to find ME at Otakon. The best way to do this is to show up during the "blank schedule time" before an AMV Contest showing. This blank time means "seating" so AMV staffers will be around in full force. You can also show up to an AMV Overflow block and walk up to the front of the room, I'll be there playing the videos. Logistics KNOWS of the badges, but most of them don't know ME, so if they seem confused when you ask for me, just have them point you to an AMV staffer. We'll most likely be seating people at the time. I know this is a pain-in-the-butt way to hand these out, but the info desk has rotating staff, and I think the registration desks use temp workers, so this is the only way to make sure that people are getting what they're supposed to.

Iron Freakin' Editor
Bryce Winant's never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, and never gonna pass up another year at a free badge, so he returns for a 4th year to take on Christopher Brown from Lawrence Studios!

Each contestant will have two hours to create an AMV that doesn't suck and adheres to the theme "Work Hard, Play Harder". All of the animes are sports related, something that we AMV folks know SO much about...

Each contestant will be given 5 anime sources, of which at least three must be used. Each contestant is allowed to cut their audio ahead of time and bring it with them to the event. They may bring multiple tracks if they so desire, as no audio will be provided during the event. In addition, each editor must use at least 1 second of the mandatory secret ingredient. It's a secret because the competitors don't know what it will be until it's showtime!

Sources (at least half were pinched from VegettoEX's stash):
Hajime no Ippo: Champion Road OVA
Battle Athletes Victory: 5-7
Eyeshield 21: 1-6
Princess Nine: 22-26
Basquash!: 1-3

When and Where:
Otakon 2010. I have no clue what room we're in, or when the event is. Most likely Saturday. It tends to run against the cosplay.

:bzz: :bzz: :bzz:
Last edited by VicBond007 on Tue Aug 03, 2010 3:00 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Castor Troy
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Re: The Otakon 2010 Thread

Post by Castor Troy » Mon Mar 15, 2010 5:13 pm

Sent in my video.
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Re: The Otakon 2010 Thread

Post by SailorDeath » Tue Mar 16, 2010 8:24 am

Was uploading my video and got disconnected at 50% complete. Net died on me and I can't resume my upload or delete the old file. Could you nuke it for me so I can try sending it again
Gimme a minute, I'll make a cool one....

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Re: The Otakon 2010 Thread

Post by VicBond007 » Tue Mar 16, 2010 4:40 pm

SailorDeath wrote:Was uploading my video and got disconnected at 50% complete. Net died on me and I can't resume my upload or delete the old file. Could you nuke it for me so I can try sending it again
Everyone has full permission to their /upload directory, but I deleted your file anyways. If it happens again, for anyone, you can do a re-upload naming the entry "v2" or something and just upload a note saying to delete the first video.
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Re: The Otakon 2010 Thread

Post by SailorDeath » Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:36 pm

alrighty thanks for the heads up.

EDIT: GREHJAJSRFHJATR!!! Well the one in there isn't complete either while uploading my PSU barfed and died so it's still an incomplete uplaod I'll try sending it again once I get my computer working again
Gimme a minute, I'll make a cool one....

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Re: The Otakon 2010 Thread

Post by Sonydjsnmix » Tue Mar 23, 2010 9:52 pm

Working on mine! :)

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Re: The Otakon 2010 Thread

Post by Sephiroth » Thu Mar 25, 2010 7:16 pm

Entry and form submitted
This has no relevence to the discussion above it

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Re: The Otakon 2010 Thread

Post by Brad » Thu Mar 25, 2010 8:27 pm

Does it have to be anime? :\
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Re: The Otakon 2010 Thread

Post by SecondChild » Fri Mar 26, 2010 8:17 am

Hey Vic,

I am going to be working on something special soon, but I don't want to rush it. If I don't finish it in time for the deadline, may I resubmit my entry to last year's contest? It did not make the finals, but I consider it to be my best work to date (not sure how the finalist judging is conducted, but maybe someone thought there were too many Death Note vids?) and if I can't complete a new vid on time, I think it is worth consideration again this year. It has not been submitted to any other contest outside of Otakon 2009, although I may submit it to PortConMaine this year.

Hopefully the question will be moot, but I thought I'd ask just in case, because I would like to submit a video, regardless.


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Re: The Otakon 2010 Thread

Post by VicBond007 » Fri Mar 26, 2010 4:21 pm

SecondChild wrote:Hey Vic,

I am going to be working on something special soon, but I don't want to rush it. If I don't finish it in time for the deadline, may I resubmit my entry to last year's contest? It did not make the finals, but I consider it to be my best work to date (not sure how the finalist judging is conducted, but maybe someone thought there were too many Death Note vids?) and if I can't complete a new vid on time, I think it is worth consideration again this year. It has not been submitted to any other contest outside of Otakon 2009, although I may submit it to PortConMaine this year.

Hopefully the question will be moot, but I thought I'd ask just in case, because I would like to submit a video, regardless.


Did your entry last year make finals? If not, then you're welcome to resubmit, but if you didn't make the cut last year then things might not be any better for you this year. If it did make finals, I would not submit it again this year. There's no rule against it (though I probably should make one) but the prescreeners will most likely downrate it in the interest of keeping the contest fresh.
"With free bagels we can live like Kings!...Kings who have to pay for their own castle in order to get the free bagels!" - Omar Jenkins


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