dantetheonly wrote: yea it not me boasting persay, but it kinda irritates me for it to be called "poorly edited" when i know its not, sure i'll take it being called average, but to be shut down as if its garbage? i don't like that. and yea i know it can be improved but im satisfied with it.
and my idea of a bad amv would be this...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjxY3TtM ... Y2c-Yw1bzU another example of a bad amv would be kickass's FLCL summertime magic vid...(no offense)
Timing, Clean cuts, and the mood of your clips are everything. and yea sometimes random clips help....as filler of course lol
I'm sure that from your perspective that video is way worse than yours. But in reality yours isn't much better. Lets say an amv is like a lego creation, with the clips being blocks. It's a bunch of little blocks put together to make something greater than they were individually. Lets take those same exact blocks and just throw them all in a bucket. They're still the same blocks but they are now just blocks. Maybe some of them are cooler than the rest (those so-called "awesome" edits of yours) but they still aren't being used for anything. Your editing is like that. Just a bucket of legos.
Those "awesome" parts of your video? the fact that you singled them out is proof enough of your inexperience. Editing should not be a parade of cool edits that have nothing to do with each other. Once again my video game analogy will aide me.
Take a fighting game. An experienced player does not view each attack his character can do on it's own. He groups them into combos. Each attack will lead naturally into another attack and then another. An inexperienced player will just find the flashiest moves he can and use them on their own. That's pretty much what you're doing in this video.
I know I'm just saying the same thing a different way but I will keep doing so until you get it.