Well since it is Your directed project, It should be mostly your words. Tell how you got interested in taking part in the project, how you decided to become the new leader, any interesting stories of the process this project went through maybe.Hagaren Viper wrote: Osaka, if there is anything you would like to say in the vid description, please send it to me, I'm drawing a blank here.
My only comments are to why I started the project. It was to give awareness that Christian Hard Rock and Metal are just as good as any other group in the same genre. The starting theme of this first WAFV was "brokenness" though I feel with all the changes in leaders and editors, that theme isn't as present as I wanted it to be. I also find it funny, due to how long this project has been going, that out of the 15 bands in this project, 2 have quit and 2 have been in hiding so long they might as well be called "dead". Not to mention the editor name changes.
EDIT: also the title was taken from an old slogan for HM Magazine.