AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (next stop - Nekocon)

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Premiere at OTAKON!)

Post by Gaelstrom » Sat Jun 19, 2010 7:48 pm

moonbunnychan wrote:Ha ha..."shouldn't take too long" and "editing" should never be in the same sentence. I can't tell you how many times I've uttered those words to "do something real quick" or "make a quick change" and spent hours on something. It's like a curse.

Actually I have an idea to make it a touch more anime related too. I'll try and do it after work tonight.
Good point... especially considering how many times this year I've run into the "Ooops... I made that up, that footage doesn't exist" scenario. Perhaps I should have included the word 'relatively' somewhere in there :D

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Premiere at OTAKON!)

Post by moonbunnychan » Sun Jun 20, 2010 1:22 am

Has anybody done a promo thing for AMVS 5 yet?
I'm making the hypnotoad thing and thought it'd be funny to put text on it that's like "You are hungry for more Salad".
(And I don't wanna steal anybody's thunder if there were already plans)

Ok I just went ahead and did it up since time is of the essence and I'm gonna be busy the next couple of days.

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Premiere at OTAKON!)

Post by Gaelstrom » Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:24 am

Hahaha, very nicely done, much better idea than I put forward ^^ And you used the mentioning of it on the comp from earlier, too, awesome ^^

My thought is the eyes go on for too long and the peripherals on the screen distract from the text a bit. My suggestions would be:

Grab a section of the screen to the left/right of the info on the bottom of the webpage and freeze frame it and cover up that bottom logo so it's less distracting and clears space for the text. You could also scale up the website section and just make that the entire screen.

Have all the text fade in quicker at the same time like 'you are hungry', and let it sit there for about 2-3 seconds then fade into the AMVS5 text like you have it for another 3 seconds. That way it'll have the hypno effect not overstay its welcome and give plenty of time to read/react. Should reduce it from 12 to about 8 or 9 seconds.

If you can try it out quickly, it may help to make a slowly pulsing drop shadow under the text to assist the 'you're being hypnotized' idea, but nothing extreme. It will also draw peoples' eyes to the text with the motion assistance.

Oh yeah, and I don't think hypnotoad would ask ^^ I personally think the text should be changed to "You are hungry for more salad."

Nicely done, that's an awesome completion I think.

Now I can't wait to have my addition ready by tomorrow ^^

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Premiere at OTAKON!)

Post by moonbunnychan » Sun Jun 20, 2010 1:50 pm

Gaelstrom wrote:
Oh yeah, and I don't think hypnotoad would ask ^^ I personally think the text should be changed to "You are hungry for more salad."
That is what it says lol.
I ALMOST put in "all glory to the amv editors" but thought it would be a bit much :awesome:

Not entirely sure what you mean by the drop shadow. I probably won't get the chance to change anything before the next beta though, I have a pretty full schedule the next few days.
And besides I dunno if anybody else had already had promo plans. lol.

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Premiere at OTAKON!)

Post by Gaelstrom » Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:48 pm

moonbunnychan wrote: That is what it says lol.
I ALMOST put in "all glory to the amv editors" but thought it would be a bit much :awesome:

Not entirely sure what you mean by the drop shadow. I probably won't get the chance to change anything before the next beta though, I have a pretty full schedule the next few days.
And besides I dunno if anybody else had already had promo plans. lol.
Oh.. you're right it does say that... that's what I get for not having much sleep. Sorry about that ^^

And don't worry about others doing a promo, if they didn't claim something, then you can assume by now that most people just aren't doing anything. Either way, they'd have had to have asked Deuce for permission.

By drop shadow I don't mean the usual type with a harder edge and off to one corner, I mean just a centered drop shadow with high opacity that has highly blurred edges so that it looks like the text is glowing, then animate it expanding and contracting over the course of a few seconds to 'pulse' it. I would have suggested a glow, but that may be a bit much, but you could try both, they should give similar results either way. I don't think that'd take too much time, it should just be something akin to a layer style in whatever software you're using. And you don't have to worry about time, you've got yours posted and it's mostly finished. It's getting into the beta at this rate, and small adjustments can be posted here for Deuce to replace the footage with quickly before the final.

Deuce, let me know when you're rendering the beta, my new one is nearly done, it just needs some more adjustments. I can get you a version for the beta if you're rendering it today, or get it to you tonight when it should be finished.

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Premiere at OTAKON!)

Post by Squancho » Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:34 pm

First, in terms of a "theme" for next year (accepting submissions beginning August 2), I was thinking of moving closer to the original formula but not entirely. I'm gonna bring the max time back to 30s and take any and all submissions. From there, we'll determine at various times over the next several months which clips are most worthy to be named AMV Salad ingredients. I had an idea of calling it "AMV Salad 5: ...this smells funny." I wanna concentrate on the most LOL-worthy material we can gather, from the stale (as in references to "the game") to the most audacious "OMG too soon." If anyone has any ideas on a format to aid continuity, I'm open to suggestions.

The next beta should be ready by tomorrow. Stay tuned...

EDIT: ..."Hypnotoad" = :shock: ... :lol:
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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Premiere at OTAKON!)

Post by Gaelstrom » Sun Jun 20, 2010 7:20 pm

All right then, Deuce, I'll have this thing done by later tonight and get it to you so you can dump it in somewhere appropriate for tomorrow's beta. If you do it sooner than that, then I'll just post it here on rapidshare again and people can critique it like that.

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Premiere at OTAKON!)

Post by Squancho » Sun Jun 20, 2010 8:23 pm

CurryMuttonPizza - what anime did you use for "Egg?"
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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Premiere at OTAKON!)

Post by moonbunnychan » Sun Jun 20, 2010 10:19 pm

Deuce Loosely wrote: EDIT: ..."Hypnotoad" = :shock: ... :lol:

Ha ha, glad you like it.

Can't wait to see this Egg video too.

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Premiere at OTAKON!)

Post by Gaelstrom » Mon Jun 21, 2010 1:03 am

Deuce, new vid's in your e-mail through transferbigfiles. Hope you like it.


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