by -Reda- » Mon Jun 28, 2010 12:57 pm
Don't worry guys, it's going to be me getting eliminated in Round 1 :p I just got done watching all of the Round 1 videos, and they were AMAZING. Some of my personal favorites of the bunch were the addiction video (probably my overall favorite), but close behind that would be With Friends Like These, Betwixt and Between, Never Give up Hope, What you can do today do the day after tomorrow and Technology is only as good as the user.
One thing I've noticed is that it used to be considered very high tier editing to have a story in your video, but after watching all these, storytelling seems to be a kind of given in todays editing. It's gone from being a great skill to an almost essential one (indeed that ability was NECESSARY to pass Round 1 of a 7 Round tournament). That being said, it's very clear that we all possess the ability for great storytelling, as I didn't see a single video where I was left confused or concerned about what the idea behind the video was. I really think the judges have some very difficult work ahead of them.
As a side note, it's also pretty amazing how a competitive environment fosters fantastic work. I've seen better work in this round, done in one to three days, than a lot of that crap over in the announcement forums which can have a month or two of work behind them.
*sips tea*