Oh happy news indeed! It was mighty cool of them to give us even the opportunity to fix it. (Although what they said about the AMV contest isn't quite true, VicBond always lists any AMVs with problems on the forum and lets people fix them, but that's beside the point)
Kinda made my night too that they specifically mentioned the Geico stuff.
Honou_Miko wrote:AWESOOOOOME.
Now if lady luck stays with us all... any entries in the AMV contest itself will get in.*crosses fingers*
Ha ha indeed. I think my real AMV I submitted is one of the strongest I've ever made but...it's Otakon...and like only the best of the best of the best get in. *crosses fingers*
Out of curiosity who else submitted to the AMV contest?
Had it not been for the hard drive meltdown I'd have had a Elfen Lied / Muse "Assassin" video to submit. I can't say if I'd have made it in this year but I will have had a better chance than previous years.
moonbunnychan wrote:Oh happy news indeed! It was mighty cool of them to give us even the opportunity to fix it. (Although what they said about the AMV contest isn't quite true, VicBond always lists any AMVs with problems on the forum and lets people fix them, but that's beside the point)
Kinda made my night too that they specifically mentioned the Geico stuff.
Honou_Miko wrote:AWESOOOOOME.
Now if lady luck stays with us all... any entries in the AMV contest itself will get in.*crosses fingers*
Ha ha indeed. I think my real AMV I submitted is one of the strongest I've ever made but...it's Otakon...and like only the best of the best of the best get in. *crosses fingers*
Out of curiosity who else submitted to the AMV contest?
I submitted my Code Pocahontas AMV to the best trailer/ parody category.
Yeahhhhh, it's hit or miss because you never know what you're competing with.
I don't want to jinx myself - I'm PRETTY sure mine is good enough quality, but... I kind of uh... took advantage of the "no time limit this year" thing.
it's ten minutes and twelve seconds.
Seriously though I feel like I gave birth to that video, lol. I was sad when I finished it because it's too long for most contests, but as soon as I saw that Otakon lifted the time limit, I JUMPED ON THAT. D:
I was like thiiiiis close *makes tiny finger gesture* from making Commander In Heat my entry into the AMV Contest this year, but then decided I'd rather contribute it here.
Deuce Loosely wrote:CMP: Have you posted that video anywhere? Can you at least tell us a little about it? I'm curious...
It WAS posted on my YouTube before it got deleted. BUT I improved it since then, in order to be more confident about submitting it to Otakon. It's also on my facebook under "videos" but again, it's the old version. I'll wait until I find out if it gets in to reupload to the new account, though. If it gets in, I'd like to save the "surprise" (even though an earlier version already had about 1,000 views).
It's a character profile for Misa from Death Note, using "The Poet and the Pendulum" by Nightwish. That song is nearly 14 minutes long, and I cut out the last section of it (it ends quite nicely and chillingly this way actually) so it's down to a little over 10 minutes. The last parts of the video are more dedicated to Light, but all in all, I hope it conveys it through Misa's eyes (hahaha her eyes).
I honestly just love her character and believe that people only dislike her because they don't give her enough thought. (and because she's a girl. and fangirls hate female characters by default. )
Seriously though? If I were to describe a MALE character who lost his parents, found out he should have died according to fate... wanted to avenge his parents' death and therefore dedicate his life to a higher purpose... I believe people would think I'm talking about Batman feel for him more.
TL;DR Misa defense below:
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Can you imagine? Seeing your parents murdered in front of you, living through a stalker attempting to stab you, finding out later that you were actually supposed to die then... your parents died, but you were spared? How the hell would that make you feel? Undeserving of the gift, probably. It's no wonder she didn't care that Light only used her. The least she could do with the gift of her life is help to make the world better. She didn't care if she had to shorten her life again. She's supposed to be dead anyway, right?
And this is what makes the end of the story for her so tragic. Without any memories of Kira, she had no idea why she was with Light, she only knew that she still loved him. No reasons. Just abuse via neglect; the "relationship" was no longer functional. Then... well, we all know what happened at the end with him. :/
...I'm sorry. I rant too much about these things. I just get sad to see people being like "UGH SHE RUINED THE SERIES SHE'S SO DUMB/SHE KNEW WHAT SHE WAS GETTING INTO I DON'T FEEL SORRY FOR HER" first of all it's pretty clear that she's at least of average intelligence because of all the work she did on her own during the Yotsuba arc, and she's one of those people that thinks it's cute to play dumb. Second, uh, duh, of course she knew what she was getting into. There was a sliver of hope that her fairytale would come true, and she was willing to hang onto that, but it never came through. She is the quintessential tragic heroine and nobody freaking realizes this.
Hehe, as soon as you said ten minutes I was like "That's gotta be Poet and the Pendulum" ^^ The thing I'd be worried about for song's as long as that is the general attention span people have. And Nightwish in its operatic days really does require a certain type of mindset to appreciate I think, so the general audience may not have that level of patience.
I'm not sure Melzer's part of our audience really. He's not a fan of the AMV Hell style as he claims, probably because he prefers plot-based comedy that has more of a purpose. I can definitely understand that, but those who don't like this style of thing won't find any sense in it because there really isn't any sense to it, it's randomness at its base. What you could do is ask him for suggestions, because he's quite experienced, I'm sure he has some potentials to offer for other possibilities in terms of transitions.
And while I know you don't want to step on any toes, Deuce. Can you at least ask? You don't even have to force it, just basically mention the idea in terms of an offer. You don't have to even write it as a request and even say "I'm not really requesting this for any reason, I admit I'd love to see it in an Otakon audience since i missed its premiere last year, but since AMV Hell 3.14 was played as people were seating on Saturday two years ago, would it be worth considering having AMVS3 play while the audience is seating for the parodies as just sort of intermission entertainment?"
Like I said, it never hurts to ask as long as you are just nice about it. The worst he can say is no, and you can be as apologetic as you want, but I think it's worth at least offering it.
As for the Misa situation:
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I think the issue is that as you said, Misa's caught between a rock and a hard place in terms of judgment. I wasn't aware fangirls tended to hate females so readily, but I guess it makes sense, and in terms of male thinking, we're very logical. Misa wasn't relatable because they didn't give any evidence that she was truly aware of what she was doing. Hawkeye is a loved character by guys and girls alike because she very clearly delineates that she is a soldier in a status of following a commander's orders, and her depth comes in in the fact that she and Mustang are closer than they were allowed to be officially.
Had she had a tiny bit more exposition or evidence put forth that she didn't care what happened to her with obvious understanding that she was getting nothing in return, she'd have earned far more sympathy. For example an actual conversation of Light admitting a little how she means nothing to him, and she looks serious for a moment and just says "It never matters, I'm here for you" or something. The trouble is she never reveals very well that she has her own agenda intelligently. The less observant just see her being dumb and really she doesn't do much to counter that. And plus since people are followers, since Light reacted to her so negatively all the time, audiences follow the outlook of the main character usually, so by never having Light actually enjoy her presence really kind of left her as a side character regardless of how much people wanted her to be more of a second main character. ...plus everyone's too busy turning Light and L into more than they actually were -_- *Sigh*
Gaelstrom wrote:Hehe, as soon as you said ten minutes I was like "That's gotta be Poet and the Pendulum" ^^ The thing I'd be worried about for song's as long as that is the general attention span people have. And Nightwish in its operatic days really does require a certain type of mindset to appreciate I think, so the general audience may not have that level of patience.
I'm not sure Melzer's part of our audience really. He's not a fan of the AMV Hell style as he claims, probably because he prefers plot-based comedy that has more of a purpose. I can definitely understand that, but those who don't like this style of thing won't find any sense in it because there really isn't any sense to it, it's randomness at its base. What you could do is ask him for suggestions, because he's quite experienced, I'm sure he has some potentials to offer for other possibilities in terms of transitions.
As for Misa:
Spoiler :
I think the issue is that as you said, Misa's caught between a rock and a hard place in terms of judgment. I wasn't aware fangirls tended to hate females so readily, but I guess it makes sense, and in terms of male thinking, we're very logical. Misa wasn't relatable because they didn't give any evidence that she was truly aware of what she was doing. Hawkeye is a loved character by guys and girls alike because she very clearly delineates that she is a soldier in a status of following a commander's orders, and her depth comes in in the fact that she and Mustang are closer than they were allowed to be officially.
Had she had a tiny bit more exposition or evidence put forth that she didn't care what happened to her with obvious understanding that she was getting nothing in return, she'd have earned far more sympathy. For example an actual conversation of Light admitting a little how she means nothing to him, and she looks serious for a moment and just says "It never matters, I'm here for you" or something. The trouble is she never reveals very well that she has her own agenda intelligently. The less observant just see her being dumb and really she doesn't do much to counter that. And plus since people are followers, since Light reacted to her so negatively all the time, audiences follow the outlook of the main character usually, so by never having Light actually enjoy her presence really kind of left her as a side character regardless of how much people wanted her to be more of a second main character. ...plus everyone's too busy turning Light and L into more than they actually were -_- *Sigh*
Yeahhhh that's exactly what I'm worried about. That one isn't operatic, though, with the new vocalist. Much closer to the likes of Within Temptation or other stuff like that. I'm also worried that the meaning of the video will fall flat during the section with the scream vocals - the lyrics are soooo important here (uh, "slain by the bell tolling for his farewell?" yeah) but you can't understand them. I'm hoping people are just familiar with the song. I've put my heart and soul into this video. :/
More Misa discussion!
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EXACTLY. She says at the beginning "I don't care if you just use me, just please, believe me." Even saying that he can kill her if he wants. I mean, hell, maybe she even expected him to kill her, and this would have been her glamorous suicide? Speculation, but entirely possible. And you're spot on about people being followers.... and spending too much time with L/Light. Now, I say this as an L/Light fangirl myself, but I consider it all fun speculation. If you ask me, if you're looking at that foot massage scene as evidence for them having been an item? No way, man. Light's reactions were WAY TOO AWKWARD. He'd never been intimate with him before and it weirded him the hell out. The most you can get out of that is extreme unresloved sexual tension... but more importantly, the Bible reference. (And yes, those two possible concepts being present in the same scene bothers the hell out of me.)
I see L/Light as going either way. The manga didn't do much with it; the anime played up the ambiguity. What bugs me the most is that people are soooo ready to speculate what happened behind closed doors with those two - for God's sake, they were seriously trying to kill each other in the long run - and yet, NOBODY CARES TO SPECULATE WHAT HAPPENED BEHIND CLOSED DOORS WITH LIGHT AND MISA DURING THE FIVE YEAR TIME GAP. And they were on the same side, working together! They were living together for more than five times the amount of time Light even KNEW L, and he kept her around. He only found Mikami to replace her as his name-writer when necessity called for it... if he was truly sick of her, he could have done something like this much earlier and gotten rid of her.
I mean damn, especially in the anime, the scene where he first asks her to live with him? It's right after he's reminiscing about L. He lost a friend and is looking pretty despondent and then says "Misa. Let's live together." Damned if that isn't the only time we ever see him with an ounce of normal, human need for comfort.
He doesn't love her. But she is his annoying puppy that he doesn't have the heart to send to the shelter. lol.
I think too much about this crap and I have to be at work in like six hours. I need to sleep. o_o
I want to do a Spicy McHaggis AMV if I ever do a normal AMV, but I won't because the chorus is completely unable to be understood even if it's awesome ^^ I hope yours does well, either way I'm sure I'll see it, I tend to sit in on the AMV Overflow as well if it unfortunately doesn't make it in, so hopefully I'll see this new and improved version.
And with Misa:
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The problem is Misa said that clearly at that point, and they never went back to it or brought it up really. She never really grew as a character on her own in that regard I think. Since men are logic-based, she must do something for logical, understandable reasons. There's no question why women have so much exposition in anime and manga, because either the writer's not that good, or they have to make the character actually relatable to a guy by speaking their mind. Men can't stand the "What's wrong?" "Nothing..." bullshit that tends to happen to women who don't want to talk and just brood about things. Men do the 'kick the shit out of each other and then we're friends' deal. I get into arguments with friends of mine about topics, they hang up on me or sign off AIM or something, and the next day we're back on topic.
And there IS no sexual tension between Light and L. None. It's not even insinuated. The awkwardness was there in everyone's head because THEY are the ones who'd wonder if they're gay for doing that, and women... well I blame fangirls for making me fucking HATE gay people for a couple years, because a particularly annoying female friend of mine actually tried to convince me nearly every male character in like every anime I loved was gay. I massaged the back of a friend of mine today. Know why? He was in pain from a gnot, and my brother taught me a bit of massage therapy. No other reason.
Here is where the male mind differs greatly though. Everyone knows what happened behind closed doors between Misa and Light. Light asked her to live with him because he realized that he was becoming too conspicuous in their relationship without actually being together. He knew it was the next best move to live together to fool the people close to him who thought 'normally.' The best part was he also didn't need to hide it from her at all. Between the lines, she was basically a safety net. And the reality is, 'friend with benefits' is the ideal for every single man. We dream of relationships where we can get fulfilling sex with women who like us without really having to deal with any drama, and Misa was irrational to him in every facet. So he got a good cover, sex with a hot idol who idolized him, and a rather worthy accomplice. He was surprised by her, but couldn't handle her stupidity at how brazen she was with her Death Note.
She basically earned a minor level of respect from him, but she was also the only one who could understand what he was doing. Later in the series, I simply couldn't relate to Light anymore, because instead of doing things for the sake of people by choosing one of two difficult decisions, he was doing things for the sake of just being a douchebag, which removed his ability to be relatable. Lelouche was much more relatable by the end of his journey (different scenarios, I know) but you knew what would happen to Light by like... episode 25-ish. The mangaka did great in throwing some curve balls though, you never knew when he'd be an asshole or benevolent.