As it looks right now, there is both a screening of the main contest on Friday and Saturday.
Otakon is turning into AX as far as I can see. Fan produced content takes a back seat to industry/egos. When the simplest changes are shot down because the video department doesn't want "their guy" to "go from one end of the convention center to the other" and this is considered a legitimate reason for denying my requests, as far as I'm concerned there's little hope for this current administration.
I can't give out Otakorp contact information since that's private, but Meredith Davey is the head of programming. This either is public knowledge already, or will be once the program guide is published along with the staff list for this year. The Otakon website also has a contact form with a division for "Programming". "AMV Contest" goes right to me, so don't waste your time, I already know your concerns
I don't actually have the OK to hook anything up in Main Events yet. It's entirely possible that I have to burn DVDs, which means recompressing everyone's videos again, and opens your submissions up to theft/copying by shifty staffers/gophers. When your content is on the server, the power button is physically locked with a key. Alan and I are the only people who can access it. Plus, DVDs at Otakon have problems like this: ... in-tweets/
Scroll down to "Eva fail!" Sadly this happens every year and we can't do anything about it because we're forced by contract to use DSL as our tech company. They know that they can't be replaced no matter how bad they do. My solution for AMVs, which worked relatively well last year, was to have them install a mechanical switch between DSL's equipment and ours. Good thing, if it wasn't for our equipment, the Eva movie would have been cancelled outright.
You can't correct videos "ahead of time" for a projector that you don't have access to. You're correcting for the room, not the content. This is why when you go to a con with 2 screens in one room, one is more blue, and one is more red. Whatever contractor hangs the equipment just plugs the same settings in for both devices, and doesn't take into account the variations between each device. Every bulb, LCD screen, lens, and screen are slightly different, even if the part numbers match.
This would be real easy if I didn't care, but I do. Anyone who takes the time to generate content for my event, TRUSTS me to put on a good show for them. I believe that any event that takes submissions from fans, and takes money from fans, should do their best to support the fans endeavors.
"With free bagels we can live like Kings!...Kings who have to pay for their own castle in order to get the free bagels!" - Omar Jenkins