gotegenks wrote: = christianity?
it's like you wanna restrict outside influences from converting our members
if someone would turn to lamvs more often than amvs, and stop being part of the community, well then they'd head over to youtube, or livejournal apparently, and not be part of the community at all. with a lamv subforum they'd still be part of the website more or less, probably have more of an inclination to go to the amv announcements thread too.
so really maybe instead of adding it would just be maintaining membership. not having a lamv subforum would be taking.
What the hell? Why would they "have more of an inclination to go to the amv announcements thread" when all they want to see is LAMVs? That is completely absurd. C'mon, think logically.
And do you think that the Elitist bastards on this site would honestly set their "pride" aside and move to YouTube so they can watch LAMVs when they already have a subforum on the site they cherish so much? Don't get me wrong, I prefer this site over YouTube, however, this site was created with the intention that people can make and enjoy AMVs, not LAMVs.
phade wrote:My goal with this web site is to create a place where people who enjoy and create anime music videos...
If you want LAMVs so much, you could do exactly as you said and head over to YouTube or Livejournal.